• Member Since 7th Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Monday


I write about gay ponies.


Any requests...? · 10:19pm Jul 18th, 2023

Hello again my lovely perverts.

Much like the characters I sometimes write, my brain is empty and dumb. Unlike those characters, it isn't the fun kind of empty and/or dumb.

I want to do more for this account, but I am big sleepytired and thus cannot idea too well. They're all either a bit too big for the unmotivated me, or probably a bit too niche for many to enjoy.

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Report Yalbach · 164 views ·
Comments ( 54 )
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Message me about them if you'd like to, but I can make no promises.

I might have an interesting idea or two if I could send them

Thank you for the fat stallion porn. We need those big stallion rumps

Thanks for the follow :yay:

I did at one point, but I've recently retired.

Though I've been thinking of coming out of retirement recently as well. PM me your idea and let's see if I like it.

  • Viewing 50 - 54 of 54
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