• Member Since 17th Jul, 2023
  • offline last seen January 10th


You Lost The Game

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Hey I see you canceled that story. Shame. I know it had its “issues” but it was going well… I wonder though how things may have went with that new mare your introduced at the end. She seemed promising. In anycase I still liked this story regardless if it was finished or not. Take care.

It's okay. Was just wondering what was going on. I really do like the story. I'll be happy when it does hopefully get updated again.

Thanks for checking in. I've, uh... been in a really low place lately. Sorry. I'm trying though, I promise.

So it’s been a couple months now. Just wondering if this story is going to continue?

Just saw your story on the featured list, then I clicked your name and saw that you have no idea how long I've been playing the game. Ya got me, ya got me real good :facehoof:

  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10
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