• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2022
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Ryebuck Coppercap

A 22 year old bean obsessed with Ponies, Trains, and Linguistics. Currently studying Game-Design. Any pronouns are fine by me ^c^

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Blog Posts

  • 29 weeks

    'Tis new!

    Sending Salutations to you all :3

    0 comments · 41 views
  • 36 weeks
    Life & Story Updates + New Avatar!

    Hi everypony ^ω^

    First of all I want to thank @LadyLullabyStar on Twitter for the amazing art she made of Rye for a raffle! I set it up as my avatar as soon as I saw it: I adore how cute he turned out :heart:

    Isn't he just a precious smol boi?

    Now onto the update proper:

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  • 76 weeks
    Life & Story Updates

    Good evening everypony!

    I felt like making a little blogpost about what's been going on with my life :p

    So, I don't know if I've mentioned it before but I live in Chile, so currently, while the northern hemisphere is experiencing wintertime, here in the southern one we're deep into summer, meaning that I'm in the middle of my 3 month summer break for university.

    Some of the things I've done this last month Include:
    - Sleeping

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  • 81 weeks
    Story Update & Happy New Year!

    Hello Everypony!
    It's 7.50 PM as I'm writing this here in Chile, so I guess I'm writing a bit early for me, but for some of you it may already be 2023 if you live in the easternmost parts of the world, and I just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year / New Year's Eve!

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  • 82 weeks
    Happy Hearth's Warming Eve Everypony!

    Hello again!

    I hope you all are having a fantastic Holiday Season, celebrating your own traditions, be it Hearth's Warming Eve, Snilldar Fest, the Feast of Fire, the Three days of Freedom Celebration, the Blue Moon Festival, or whatever else your family and friends celebrate!

    If you're not celebrating anything in particular, I still hope you have a fantastic and relaxing weekend :pinkiehappy:

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    0 comments · 92 views

Year! · 3:21am January 1st

'Tis new!

Sending Salutations to you all :3

Report Ryebuck Coppercap · 41 views ·
Comments ( 55 )
  • Viewing 51 - 55 of 55

You're welcome and thanks for following me after I followed you right back. ^^

Naturally that is the case for long time railfans such as myself =3

Heh... speaking of.... if you wanna check out both my DeviantART account and YouTube account, you can see more of my excellent skills involving Trains. :3

Hehe thanks!

I've been into trains since time immemorial lol

That's what happens when you grow up watching Thomas I guess :p

A 21 year old colt obsessed with Ponies, Trains, and Linguistics.

Seeing you mention Trains, you knew I would end up giving you a follow because of that. :3

  • Viewing 51 - 55 of 55
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