• Member Since 15th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Avid devourer of horse-words

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Comments ( 47 )
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pleased to know that my literary brainrot will be meeting your eyeballs soon. maybe.



Ah, sorry for spamming you guys, I've been re-shuffling / re-ordering my libraries and didn't notice one of them was set to public. :twilightsheepish:

But, as you can tell, I've got quite a bit of your stories in my reading list(s), so I shoud get to some of them pretty soon. Admittedly, the "Read Urgently" list sits just above 40 million words currently (urgently is very relative in this case) :raritycry:... On the other hand, I'm currently in short, comedy tagged stories mood AND I do have plenty of spare reading time :twilightsmile:.

Thank you for reviving my notifications bro 🙏🏻😭

Let me know what you think when you read it all

holy CRAP did you blow up my notifications lol. thanks for taking an interest in my whiplash-inducing horsewords!

Thanks for the watch and favorites.

Thanks for the watch, glad you liked Discourse :yay:

Thanks for the watch!

Although, to be fair, it's almost always coffee, espresso as black as can be. Tea is mostly for winter evenings, with lots of lemon, a bit of honey and a good book or story to sip by. :twilightsmile:

Tea or coffee?

  • Viewing 38 - 47 of 47
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