• Member Since 9th Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen Jun 17th, 2023

Autumn Colors Fall

But I think the very worst name for this frog is-

Shoe's Stories

Enthralling Stories


Song of the Spheres - Sparkle Census Cameo · 2:24pm Jul 2nd, 2018

Hey everyone,

A few weeks ago I was contacted by GMBlackJack about a chapter of his story Song of the Spheres. The story explores the MLP multiverse and often delves into worlds created by other authors, and the most recent chapter pays homage to The Sparkle Census. I gave it a look over and found it to be pretty true to the original, and I found it interesting to see how another author handled the Census.

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Report Autumn Colors Fall · 581 views · Story: The Sparkle Census ·
Comments ( 14 )
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Thanks for adding Acceptance to your library! ^_^

Thanks! It's really nice to know it makes an impression on people!

Thank you! I've always enjoyed your pizza-eating Sombra avatar as well!

Cool handle and avatar!

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