Crusaders Save the Day suggestions · 11:46pm Mar 31st, 2020
Hey folks, while I'm writing the rest of the third chapter I may need some assistant of new ideas of the mysterious figure that's been snooping around the school of friendship so that the CMCs can face a challenge and some new ideas for chapter 3 so if you have good ideas place a comment so I can write it down.
Hey Brerdaniel, may I ask a few questions about the Pooh's Adventures series (which you're supposedly a big name in said series/fandom)?
Psst! Hey, Brerdaniel! Have you checked out my fanfics yet? Mainly, the Filmatic Escapades?
Happy Belated B-Day Good Sir🎊🎉!
Continue being your awesome-self, as will I😎!
Alright, keep up with your artwork.
Happy Belated Birthday, man.