Happy new year! · 4:41pm January 1st
I can officially say it's been a year since I've updated....anything.
I'm going to do my best to change that, mental health be damned!
Complexity and simplicity. I am a jack of all trades. All I ask for is an upvote and comment. Maybe a watch to?
I can officially say it's been a year since I've updated....anything.
I'm going to do my best to change that, mental health be damned!
Gobble gobble gobble
I'll be with family today. I got a little sick yesterday around midnight but I feel better now. Current theory it was either spaghetti and sprite, or anxiety.
Either way. I feel better now. Hopefully I can publish some chapters or a one shot some time soon, but still.
Also. I don't like turkey that much. My mom is allergic so I never got used to it.
Gobble gobble gobble
Hello Fimfiction! Its me!
I know I haven't written to yall for a long time. It's been....I don't want to talk about how long it's been since i updated a fic.
But that's going to change! From now on, once a week from now to December first. I will update and finish my most liked fic.
I promise you all. It will be worth the ride. Updates every Sunday if I can manage it.
Stay tuned.
I know I'm not active here much. And I know many of you won't probably see this but please. If you can.
Go to this link and if you can. Help this person out! I hope I'm not too late to make this blog
This year has had a lot of ups and downs for me. I've lost friends and made new ones. Found some new interests and such. I have big plans for writing I need to get started on.
Overall. I can't wait to see what 2024 brings.
I had a Halloween story planned but uh...too late.
Next year, I guess!
On October 21st, 2017 I joined this site. It is now 2023.
I was 13. I'm now 19.
Six years. Man...
Oh how times change. I can say its been a pleasure for all its ups and downs! And I eagerly await what the future will bring!
Here's to another six years!
I'm alive. I'm ok. Got a new job that's very manual and leaves me exhausted at the end even tho its from 7 to 12. SO I haven't had much time to write lately! BUT I promise I do plan to write some more! I have a few ideas in the works but it will take me a while. Just know I'm alive and haven't abandoned the site nor fandom!
I just need to get back into the right mindset and such. I promise to have a comeback.
Yours, Sparker.
As well as pride month! But I wanted to draw attention to this month's lesser-known purpose.
To the men in my follower count, don't forget you are loved, you are adored and you matter! No matter your sexuality. Your feelings are valid and it's okay to cry.
To the nonmen in my audience, reach out to the friend you think may be going through something, or tell your male friend how much they matter to you. Even if they don't show it, they'll appreciate it.
Sorry for not posting for a while everyone! Life has been kicking me in the balls for the last week. Not to mention today is my birthday. (I'm turning 19).
Anyways update for Villain Pub should be out later or tomorrow.
Love yalls. ❤️