• Member Since 12th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Tuesday

Steadfast Bulwark

Let me tell you a story. One that will make you question your sanity and make you terrified to close your eyes.

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Long overdue update. · 12:48am Dec 11th, 2016

Ive been out for a long while now. Between everything I have going on, writing consistently has fallen by the wayside.

I'm attempting to rectify that.

'To Serve the Sun' is my number one priority to finish, as it was meant to be a short story to be updated weekly.

Following that 'Lakeside' will be up for completion.

Lastly, rewriting 'Impurities' to better tell that story.

Report Steadfast Bulwark · 387 views ·
Comments ( 24 )
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I have a thing id Like P.M about when you can.

Thank you for the favorite on Rare Gems Embracing Shadows. I am glad you enjoyed it.

Hello! A long time lurker of FIMfiction, your story Impurities has always been my favorite!

Infact, they are what spawned my love of creating, writing, and roleplaying evil characters.

I would just like to say, thank you so much, and I hope you have a wonderful life and a successful career in whatever you decide to pursue.

1462251 Yep. I'm reading through it now

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