• Member Since 26th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


A good story isn't measured by how long it is, but by how long it stays with you.

More Blog Posts223

  • 1 week
    Horse Words, at Long Last


    New Compati chapter. Like, actually new chapter. Crazy, right? Not really much to say. I'm not one for fanfare. Go read it if you like.

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    4 comments · 105 views
  • 7 weeks
    Compati Updates and Top-Left Horsefest 2024


    So Compati has officially gotten back into Act 2. As it was the first go around, I strongly recommend setting aside the time to read both chapters 25 and 26 in the same sitting. They're sister chapters, and the latter is very much necessary to handle the former.

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    1 comments · 228 views
  • 9 weeks
    Compati Chapters 13-16


    Yeah. I've been pretty shit about uploading chapters daily. Life is still kicking me in the nuts. Just haven't really had the gusto to do the thing. I uploaded for the days I missed. Have some Trauma Horse going into your weekend.

    Onward and Something.

    0 comments · 97 views
  • 9 weeks
    Real Life and What Comes With It (Part Whatever)


    Sorry I haven't kept up on the posting schedule, but the last three days have been right shit. Things aren't exactly looking up, but I'll try and pop in to do the thing as I can. Two of the missed chapters are up. That's honestly all I have the bandwidth for.

    Onward and Something

    1 comments · 163 views
  • 10 weeks
    Compati - Schedules are Hard


    So, uh, yeah. The new Path of Exile league came out, and I've been having a blast. A little too much of a blast that I forgot to update Compati as per the stated schedule. So have those missed chapters.

    Onward and Upward!

    1 comments · 106 views

Compati, Re(up)loaded · 12:54am July 24th


So yea, long time no post. I'm not really one for words, even though I have about 270 thousand to post.

I'll be reuploading a chapter a day, until we get back to where we were previously, at which point I'll resume the Mon/Fri posting schedule. Chapter 1 is up now. Enjoy.

Onward and Upward!

Report Corejo · 182 views · Story: Compatī ·
Comments ( 5 )

Yay! It's happening \o/

Y'all are in for a treat, it's such a good fucking story

It's back! This story made my chest twist in ways I didn't anticipate, I'm glad we are getting to see more. Out of curiosity, have all the chapters being reposted been rewritten?

"Rewritten" is a broad term, lol. Short answer is "yes." Long answer is "yes, but..."

I combed through the entirety of the story multiple times. Some chapters only got a touch up, some had scenes that got completely actually rewritten. There's even a chapter that no longer exists and its important bits sprinkled into other chapters. I believe only two chapters were left completely untouched after all the editing passes.

Big if true

It’s happening!

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