• Member Since 18th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 3rd, 2013



A New Story Should Be Arriving Soon · 12:17am Oct 21st, 2013

Oh, I'm ever so excited!

Please, do tell your friends about my work. I just adore comments. They keep me going as an artiste!

Report CertainlyNotRarity · 280 views ·
Comments ( 11 )
  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11

Might I suggest a story in which the fair Lady Rarity is finally given leave to express the full extent of her gratitude to the magnanimous Princess Celestia?

I must say, I find your stories simply irresistible! Though i can't help but wonder, after Rarity has a go with all of her friends will she have stories with other ponies in town? Or do you have plans for writing any other stories involving the fashonista?

  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11
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