Moon and MagicTwilight and her mother, Luna, return from the moon a year early. Things are great for the mother and daughter duo... at first, but something amiss. What could it be?by Phoenix Nebula
19,606 words
· 709 · 13
EventideTaken away from everything she knows and loves, a young girl struggles to find peace within Dilos1
74,326 words
· 701 · 31
Frosty_Rainbow is looking for followers! She (98% sure they’re a she) only needs 2 more followers! Please help a good person out and follow them. I know they deserve it! (I said I wouldn’t do this type of post much. I lied. I’M SORRY APPLEJAAAAAACK!)
Have you been bullied? Do you think the world needs to get rid of it? Please, be considerate, read this from someone who has experienced it firsthoof.
So there’s a user I follow name do taddy1012, and he/she (haven’t figured that out yet.) is trying to get to 200 followers, now, normally I don’t do this sort of thing, but I think they deserve it, if you could check out their page, hopefully follow, I’d appreciate it, they probably would too but i’m not supposed to speak for other people.... so, pretty please?
Thanks for the follow X3
No problem, I always follow people back, and you seem like a good person
No problem, I always follow people back (Also I’m also a spidey fan)
Thank you for the follow!
No problem, you both deserve it
Thanks for watching me!
Thanks for the watch.
Yep it is my OC, but I haven’t actually done anything with her,
No problem, seriously though, that story’s good,
Is that profile picture of yours, your OC? If so, It looks adorable.
Thanks for the fave.