Update · 10:41am Dec 6th, 2023
I would just like to let you all know that I am going to come back hopefully in a few months time and start writing again. Had a very busy time lately and I have taken some more time to properly plan out a few stories too, so dont give up hope on my first one, I will be finishing it first. Hope you all have a merry christmas, and see you all again in a few months! (Hopefully)
But yeah, I just wanted you all to know I'm still alive and well and that stuff will continue.
Thank you for the fave my dear!! I see you are new here! I want to be your first follower! Thank you again!
You are most welcome! I wish you the best with your time here on the site and in the fandom.
2101302 Thank you! I appreciate the welcome and your help, hope to put out some more content for this page to the best of my abilities
Why hello there, new FIMFiction user! Welcome to the premiere site for MLP fan fiction!
Cinnarowe, if you have any questions about how the site works, then please don't be afraid to ask me. I'm glad to be of service, and we are all glad that you've joined on!