• Member Since 8th Apr, 2021
  • offline last seen Oct 6th, 2023


Just a friendly little storm cloud.

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  • 64 weeks
    [Commisions] In this day and age, a full time job just won't cut it...

    So I'm experimenting with opening commissions!

    You can view my deviantart or my Tiktok

    I can draw any kind of equine for you, be it pony, kirin, breezie, or alicorn! Other hybrids are up to discussion such as moth pony mixes. My main boundaries, well, I would really prefer not drawing any sort of cybernetic, robotic, or non equine species. Including humans.

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    0 comments · 64 views
  • 94 weeks
    Been working hard on leveling up my crafting skills

    Which means I can't neglect the digital aspect. Even if I'm too worn out to do shit most days, gotta draw for at least a few hours.

    No ideas what to draw? That's ok, I'll just roll a d20 and let a random ship organizer decide.

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    0 comments · 70 views
  • 99 weeks
    I drew Luna if she was a kirin originally

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    3 comments · 76 views
  • 117 weeks
    Working on a next gen art project sort of?

    Definitely struggling with continuously deleting or not posting my work because I feel its not good enough. I've got several chapters of fan fiction unedited and unposted for that very reason.

    So I decided to try and push myself to do something different. I always enjoy looking at next gen ponies on deviantart and I decided to look up one of those crack ship randomizers online.

    Here are some of the ones I liked the looks of...

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    0 comments · 74 views
  • 155 weeks
    Progress is slow

    I am trying to write. I've been writing a few words here and there for chapter two of A Spark Reignited during my lunch break. After work I'm trying to type up a bit of an unrelated one shot and while I've gotten more words down... its a struggle? I've got the words up there, its not writers block. Its just a struggle of staying motivated when not motivated at all.

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    3 comments · 124 views

[Commisions] In this day and age, a full time job just won't cut it... · 8:32pm May 1st, 2023

So I'm experimenting with opening commissions!

You can view my deviantart or my Tiktok

I can draw any kind of equine for you, be it pony, kirin, breezie, or alicorn! Other hybrids are up to discussion such as moth pony mixes. My main boundaries, well, I would really prefer not drawing any sort of cybernetic, robotic, or non equine species. Including humans.

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Report Leanansidhe · 64 views ·
Comments ( 5 )
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Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted Feb 1st, 2022

Don't recall, sorry

Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted Feb 1st, 2022
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