• Member Since 16th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Remedy, She/Her, writing bad fanfics since 2011 and not stopping anytime soon.


And Hell Followed YOU HOME · 4:06pm March 4th

HEY! Do you want your own copy of And Hell Followed? Want it in a beautiful glossy hardcover with all of the illustrations? WELL NOW YOU CAN HAVE IT!

Buy it here!

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Kansas City, I love you. · 12:15am February 15th

Today was supposed to be a great day. A day of celebration. The Chiefs just won their 3rd Super Bowl in 5 years and are gunning for a threepeat. It’s supposed to be a fantastic day. Kids were off of school to celebrate their team.

It breaks my heart. Another mass shooting. 11 kids in the hospital, 9 with gunshot wounds. 22 injured in total.

I love my city. We’re so much better than this. Brave citizens tackled one of the shooters when he was trying to get away. That’s who we are.

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Report BaeroRemedy · 268 views ·

Amazing Sun and Shield fanart! · 4:41pm January 15th

I got some fantastic fanart of everyone's favorite guardsmare over the weekend made by the ever talented munificentia! I feel the need to share it with how much I love it.


Observations on Babel and Moving to a Regular Release Schedule · 3:26pm January 10th

Hello all and happy new year (belatedly)

So yesterday I published the final chapter of Observations. That was probably the most difficult story I've ever had to write and I once again need to thank my good friend Lion. Without them, it wouldn't have been possible and I learned a lot while working with them and writing that unique story.

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New story! · 12:26am January 3rd

New story set in the Scorchedquestria story that's going to be important for Babel. Not required reading but definitely would be helpful! This is the journal that Rose Wreath retrieved from King Bullion's vault after all.

Also it was written in collaboration with my good friend Lion who put in a lot of work into creating the language in this story.


Report BaeroRemedy · 155 views · #Observations

Take Two · 2:59pm Dec 8th, 2023

Tis the season, right? So I figured why not boot my writing server back up (I'm also having some trouble with a thing I'm writing and need all of the help I can get with some parts of it)

If you wanna join, cool. If not, also cool. I'll probably be asking a lot of opinions on stuff I write and asking for help on some other things.

Hope to see you there.

Discord Link

Report BaeroRemedy · 126 views ·

Conlang · 2:38am Dec 3rd, 2023

So yeah making up a whole fictional language is fun! We're now able to make full paragraphs and have a very unique system of pronouns and modifiers and it's just...boy it's dense!

Here's a little excerpt.

“Epil es gentan. Es epkres lepil goda trak. Es legil anvitarve et legil nitam anwerne antakane. Ortamfet lepil anismervne: es Skaroselis gatan. Upalas Rakinti deulentan, nit deulentan dreblen. Ansotelve...”

Will I translate it for you? No that's spoilers!

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Report BaeroRemedy · 224 views · #Conlang

National Novel Writing Month 2023 Finale · 6:07am Dec 1st, 2023

Across the entire month of November I wrote 109,500 words.

Here's the breakdown:

Day 1: 3200
Day 2: 6500
Day 3: 2100
Day 4: 6300
Day 5: 2900
Day 6: 3100
Day 7: 6000
Day 8: 3400
Day 9: 3100
Day 10: 2700
Day 11: 5000
Day 12: 3200
Day 13: 7000
Day 14: 3000
Day 15: 4500
Day 16: 1800
Day 17: 2400
Day 18: 4700
Day 19: 4800
Day 20: 2300
Day 21: 2100
Day 22: 5800
Day 23: 700
Day 24: 1700
Day 25: 2400
Day 26: 3000
Day 27: 4300
Day 28: 6300
Day 29: 2800
Day 30: 2400

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Report BaeroRemedy · 112 views · #NaNoWriMo

Babel Update · 2:34am Nov 30th, 2023

"Hey Rem, you finished Sun and Shield and you got some light fluff/romance out of your system how's Babel going?"

A friend is helping me create a language from scratch for it! Thanks for asking! New chapter soon!

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Report BaeroRemedy · 256 views · #Babel

Fluff · 1:07am Nov 28th, 2023

I'm writing a two-parter that's nothing but slice of life/romance fluff for the first time in like 5 years and let me tell you I am feeling way out of practice lmao. Don't worry, once it's done and out I'll get back to Babel I just need to write something that's not soul-crushing for a change of pace before getting back to it.

Have the cover art for a teaser, though

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Report BaeroRemedy · 155 views ·