• Member Since 29th Feb, 2012
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A Writer. A Dreamer. A Thinker. A Believer


Fallout Equestria - Project Horizons · 12:54am Feb 9th, 2016

4 months. After 4 months of reading this I finally finished. Over 1.5 million words. Spoilers about a few things after the page break.

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At the end of HamGravy's Interrupted Cadance, he left an author's note thanking you "for the original idea behind this story." I first read & Favorited that story several years ago, but I read it again this morning & wanted to also express my thanks to you for that idea; HamGravy's writing appeals to me, & I especially enjoyed reading how he wrote your idea. Thank you.

In addition to the brilliant premise of an asexual pony marrying the Princess of Love & both Princess Cadance & Silver Spoon counseling each other, several other aspects in that story appealed to me; I don't know how much of the story HamGravy added around your idea, but the paragraphs about Tranquility Chamomile (or Tranquili-Tea :raritywink: ) & Princess Celestia allowing "a successful local sex-trade" in Canterlot "under strict regulations" seemed exceptional as well.

Thanks for the follow!

Thank you for favoriting 'Caelum Est Conterrens'. That was very kind!

Hey, thanks for the fave on Luna's Hard Days Work!

962880 Hey! No problem. Its a great story, and done in such a great unique style. Loved it.

  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12
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