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- Everypony wonders why Jack's Deli is so good, and what IS in the sandwich that makes it so good? Well a lone reporter will not stop till he finds out how it's made.Jack Hooves · 1.7k words · 212 views
- The killings of the chosen six have been upsetting to every anthro pony in ponyville, and only Jack Hooves thinks he knows what is going on.Jack Hooves · 1k words · 322 views
- With the rise of bandits in the final frontier area, Outlaw Iron Hooves decides to try and clear his name by helping the locals with their problem.Jack Hooves · 1.1k words · 341 views
- After having been called in early in the morning, he expected it to be a simple burglary, but what he got was more than he had bargained for, he arrived at the scene to see the main six were slaughtered with only one piece of evidence........a ax.Jack Hooves · 1.2k words · 4 7 · 505 views
- Story of Iron Hooves as he struggles to return to his beloved derpy after a mission, but it goes terribly wrong when his ship is boarded, and he is forced to crash his ship into the desert planet and has to evade to his pursuers in order to escapeJack Hooves · 3.3k words · 350 views
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