• Member Since 19th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 3rd, 2024


Only mostly dead.


It was an accident, but in a heartbeat, she was gone forever. Or at least, it seemed that way before Gearshift met Test Tube. Now Gearshift’s workshop is filled with the necromancer’s bizarre experimental equipment, pages of impenetrable magical theorems, and a tank filled with murky, green fluid.

And within the fluid, a chance.

Cover art by 2135D

Click here for an excellent reading of this tale!

Chapters (1)

Nopony likes waiting for the post office to deliver that something special, but that wait is harder for some than others.

And then there's Pinkie Pie...

Chapters (1)

Spike reveals the secret of Second Birthday to the girls. Twilight is not amused.

Vector by The Mad Shipwright

Chapters (1)

The Joining.

Adagio had heard the ritual’s name spoken in hushed tones ever since she was a little girl, but what did it mean, exactly? Now that she’s come of age, she’s about to find out.

But knowledge begets more knowledge, and not all truths are comforting. In the swirling coastal fog, pathways aren’t always clear, and sometimes it’s hard to tell friend from foe…

Edited by PresentPerfect

Additional pre-reading help from Dragonas77, Seether00, and djthomp

Cover art created by 2135D

Chapters (4)

I'd love to have all the time in the world to develop everything I think of, but I don't. These are the ideas that were backburnered. Some for good reason. Others regretfully.

Maybe one day I'll return to them, but in the meantime, here they are for your partial enjoyment.

Chapters (45)

A long time ago, my family moved to Appleloosa, and we ain't had no luck since. We tried growing apples, but our orchards just never took right. Now, the bank's gonna repossess unless we can get some bits together real fast.

No, we ain't never been lucky, but in that ring, I don’t need luck. I’m one win away from saving our farm, and Granny says that tonight I’m fighting some fancy unicorn named Blueblood. I hear he's real fast, but there ain’t no way I’m losing with so much on the line.

This ain't gonna be pretty. In fact, I can just about guarantee it’ll be real, real ugly.

Edited by Pascoite.

Additional help from SongCoyote, Steel Resolve, Dragonas77, Skeeter the Lurker, Seether00, and RainbowBob

Cover image by viwrastupr

Chapters (6)

Dreams are such delicate things, and Scootaloo’s are more fragile than most.

But in Equestria, dreams are protected. Sometimes a filly just needs a helping hoof to learn how to hope again.

Edited by Knight of Cerebus

Cover art by Joemasterpencil. Go check him out!

This story has a reading! Slightly older version of the story, but the reading is very well done. It can be found here.

Chapters (1)

Lunchnapping! That's what it was. A brazen crime in broad daylight. The delicious carrot dog was in Spike's claw one moment and airborne the next, spirited away by a flying thief.

Now, Spike's on a mission to get back what's his. Unfortunately for him, city birds are a lot tougher than they look.

Special thanks to InquisitorM for editing the hell out of this story.

Additional editing help from Dragonas77 and Statoose - I couldn't do it without you guys.

Chapters (1)

The Apple family has always had close ties, so when Apple Bloom is sad that her friends are all occupied with other things, Big Mac comes to the rescue. Who says there's no fun to be had on the farm?

Cover art by Mandydax

Chapters (1)

"How could somepony as amazing as you not have a Special Somepony on Hearts and Hooves Day?"

With that single sentence, a thousand memories came flooding back to Cheerilee. A thousand memories of a thousand terrible dates...

Chapters (59)