Slain by his best friend, Andrew Detmer now finds himself in a world of myths and legends made reality. A world where the Apex predator of Earth is but a candle compared to the raw power held by the dragons and almost god-like entities of Equestria.
Hard ResetTwilight gives her life to stop a changeling invasion. Eakin
36,358 words
· 8,307 · 135
Past SinsCan Nightmare Moon, reborn without her hate, ever escape her past?by Pen Stroke
201,810 words
· 12,657 · 381
StardustCan Twilight earn the trust and friendship of people who are by nature suspicious and hostile to anything that isn't 'human'?by Arad
216,600 words
· 6,265 · 104
The Ultimate AlicornDesperate to save her friends, but not desperate enough to surrender her alicorn magic, Twilight makes a dangerous gambit against Lord Cerulean Voice
3,353 words
· 1,105 · 71
The Song of SyhlexLast sung ages ago was the Song of Syhlex, of the dragon lord and the mare who rose to stop The Descendant
6,439 words
· 1,091 · 12
2636276 If he was, would you expect an answer? (He logged in at pretty close to the midpoint of your comment and this one, which given the year in between is not actually a good sign)
You plan on continuing the story (The equestrian chronicle)
If he was, would you expect an answer? (He logged in at pretty close to the midpoint of your comment and this one, which given the year in between is not actually a good sign)
Uhhhhhhhhhhh are you dead? Also can I get a Big Mac with uhhhhhh... extra horse.
Whens chapter 19?
2284516 WOOOO!! I'm so pumped!!!