LISTEN PLEASE!!!!! · 7:46pm Jan 12th, 2014
So! Here's the deal friends. I am getting as much done as my brain will allow, and that is a good thing!
Though progress might be a little bit impeded for reasons, some private others not so. The one I wish to share is that I have begun planning my first work of original fiction. Yes, I'm attempting to write a book. Here's hoping it won't be terrible!
Anyway, working hard on the next chapter! It has PLOT DEVELOPMENT!
Would you happen to go to a school in the north?
505594 Naught a clue
is their a reason I cant get on the chat by internet explorer?
Oh wow I've never been asked for advice! Well, um.... Well I have to say this straight away and that is practice. A lot, like every chance you get. By doing this you can get into better habits like memorising some of the basic parts of writing. I would also recommend keeping a notepad or something close by to write stuff down whenever, it can help so you don't forget good ideas.
Also if you don't feel confident get a pre-reader or an editor who can assist you in improving your writing style and talent, although I prefer not to have one of these so that I may critique and change my own work and realise what mistakes I made personally. Finally I would say (even though I hate it) plan plan plan. Although you don't need a page of stuff or even a location to store the planning it helps a lot to know what the hell is going on. I would say that planning the basic outline of the plot and then developing from there is the best way to go, that means you can change things without as much fuss.
That's about all I can think of for now, I hope it helps. I would be glad to offer more assistance if it is wanted ^_^