New NSFW Foalcon Group · 8:38am Mar 28th, 2015
It all started with this thread about whether or not we ought to mark the Foalcon Group as not safe for work (NSFW).
If you really care why, then go read that thread.
It all started with this thread about whether or not we ought to mark the Foalcon Group as not safe for work (NSFW).
If you really care why, then go read that thread.
I won't miss foalcon. I never read it, never wrote it, and never will write it. I almost felt like leaving the site when I first found out about it.
And no, I didn't voice calling for its ban. Even if I hate it.
But what's next after it? If it's banned. I will be certainly mad if human x pony is banned. They are both sapient-minded species in that case, and it falls under xenophilia in my view.
It's been a while. Why? I've been very busy with other things not involving cute colorful horses doing naughty things. Still, it was fun to get back to writing for a bit.
Read the story here: Filly Fluff
I've been thinking a lot recently on how I want to continue The Filly Catalogue. Do I wanna keep it open and just add a new random foal every few months/years, or do I want to bring it to an end? I was planning on doing a full rewrite of the story, using only the main plot points and characters in the story, but another part of me is thinking of just ending it as is, write a few chapters and then say goodbye to it and just write new stories when I get an idea in my head.
If you're reading this an wondering where the rest is, sorry, there'll be a short delay in delivery. I'm away until Jan 20, after which I'll continue posting the rest.
Thanks to those favoriting. And thanks to the flamers and downvoters too--you're the yang to my yin. It lets me know I'm close to the edge, which is where I like it.
I'm told it's anything but fap material, even for most foal rape fans. I havne't read it yet, but I intend to give it a fair shot.
And for future reference:
Apparently, if you have an opinion the author doesn't like, they simply delete your comment then block you from posting. That is what Inked Moongleam does, at least. Their latest story "Vitale" is supposedly trying to "bring more trans representation"... in the form of a 12 year old girl prostitute. Everything about the story is trash. Worse, the flip flops the author has made in the comments leads me to believe the story is a massive troll. It sounds like it is intended to hate on trans, not
Let's make this short and sweet (a challenge for me).
I'm hosting two foalcon contests in Foalcon and Foalcon Punch. Currently, we need your votes for which themes to use.
Foalcon contest theme thread
Foalcon Punch! contest theme thread
henlo. this is a topic we've been thinking about for a while but not posted on because of the inevitably empassioned and likely scary conversation that would follow. as a result, we're going to try and tackle this subject from a more personal standpoint, and see if it helps us reach an understanding at all.
Life hasn't always been easy on Scootaloo, but she can always count on Rainbow Dash's help.
I'm looking for this foalcon story I seem I can't find anymore. I'm pretty sure this was the name of the story. We see a flashback of how this filly's friend left her panties at her friend's house. Cause they had sex
Anyone remembers the title of this story about this filly arrives home from school, then puts on some cheerleader outfit, goes to her next door neighbor who she's in a relationship with. Obviously they have naughty fun. Somewhere in the story she calls his dick "weiner" which makes him laught
When I made Max Potions 1, I made it clear that everything involving foalcon is pretty much pedophilia, and it’s the moderators fault, for making this site, a safe haven for pedophiles. The whole incident about ToonKritic was pretty much, a chance to make this community safer. But they didn’t. And that is what pissed me off. This community is, pretty much, trying to protect their reputation, and clearly doesn’t give a flying fuck about their viewers. This is something I could’ve been more
Have some foalcon rape.