This could be an interesting idea for me to do. A straight man writing a gay clopfic.
So, got any gay clopfic ideas?
...on a life or death emergency.
Well, maybe not life or death. Or even an emergency. But I really could use y'all's opinion.
Which of my ships should get the next clop?
A) SciTwi and Sunset
B) Rainbow Dash and Applejack
C) Fluttershy and Vinyl Scratch
Please let me know in the comments. Do not be afraid, I don't bite. I encourage my readers for their opinion.
hey so I might be writing some stories and I think either a sad story or a random ass story
Hey everypony, so I just wanted to announce something...and this may come as a shock to you guys. but I have written my very first Clopfic!
Now you might be wondering why I would do one of these....and to be honest...I enjoy them. My favorites and inspirations are the many works of the authors Ebonygloow and Some Leech, as well as many others, go to my profile and you will see the clop fics I have on my features I deem them as my favorites and serve as inspirations for my upcoming clops.
Check your Fimfiction feed tomorrow.
With Ninja Warriors Once Again coming to English soon, I thought about doing a quickie.
I don't know any other places to host my Greentext Clopfics/Lemon-fics atm. Hopefully that will count.
Yes, it's a day of superstitions, and NO; it has no relevance to what I'm about to say, fuzzballs.
I wrote a RariDash clopfic, and almost ended up pulling an all nighter with that first chapter, anyway feel free to read it if you so wish.
And just so you know, I should be back to writing chapters for my main story ('Among The Pegasi') by early next month.
Hope you all are having a good summer.
(it's been WAY too hot where I am -_-)
KillerChainsaw ;)
If you are wondering, yes I am still open for quickie clopshot commissions and I am opening two more slots. Mainly because I'm kinda low on funds again.
Since this week is March break, I'll definitely be able to resume on your commissions this coming Wednesday. However for anyone that wishes to commission me right now will have to wait until the current commissions are completed but the waiting list is still available and I even have additional waiting slots there just in case anyone wants to commission me a clopfic in the following weeks or months.
Are you guys ready for something really, really hot? This one is clopfic with Soarin and Spitfire, but with a twist. Go check it out and leave a rating! I really enjoyed writing this one; the idea has been floating around in my head for quite some time now and it feels good to make it come to life.
[Adult story embed hidden]
Well, I'm quite done on my clopfics. I really hope that it goes well, and if it was good. Maybe I write a sequel about it?
I really don't know what to expect it. Ah what do I care? I don't care at all, let's just see how good it is.
Stay safe and sound, Everypony.
If you're reading this an wondering where the rest is, sorry, there'll be a short delay in delivery. I'm away until Jan 20, after which I'll continue posting the rest.
Thanks to those favoriting. And thanks to the flamers and downvoters too--you're the yang to my yin. It lets me know I'm close to the edge, which is where I like it.
I've completed the first clopfic commission and I will start on the second commission tonight. So anyone who still wish to commission me to write a clopfic involving their favourite fetish, feel free to PM me or discuss it with me on Skype.
Commission Slots (Still Open):
(Spinner of Tails)
(Yamgoth The Moth)
Waiting Slots (Open):
Just another blog post since I love reading your guy's comments.
Recently I've been thinking about what really makes an interesting clop. We could go into detail on every single aspect, but what I've really noticed stick out is originality.
Totally evil and ridiculous story below.
Yeah... another one of those things where I have an idea but don't want to type it out into an actual story, so you all get a summary of the plot instead. But it's evil, so I reserve the right to do this once a year. Read at your own risk!