
Viewing 1 - 20 of 52 results

A new smut writer approaches! · 5:25am Dec 13th, 2019

Hullo! I write pony smut, and nothing can stop me!

Well, maybe bad ratings will crush my soul and make me slip into a pit of despair where I quit writing smut, but other than that, I kind of enjoy writing it on the side and I'm not going to stop in the foreseeable future.

Report Da Bois · 165 views · #smut

Rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated · 8:19pm Oct 18th, 2015

Expect it in a few days. While I'm not desperate, if you'd like to offer services as a prereader, I wouldn't mind.


Smut Story Ideas? · 1:00pm Sep 12th, 2020

So, got any smut story ideas?

If too filthy to describe in this blog. Just send me a PM with details.

Report Bendy · 301 views · #smut #clopfic

More Smut! · 6:40am Feb 29th, 2020

You know you want it.


I guess I can say I've Written Erotica Now? · 9:18am Feb 22nd, 2018

Having grown very distressingly short on cash, I was just browsing through Upwork, looking for something that doesn't require a bunch of previously logged experience as a requirement and isn't buried in 50+ applications already. Eventually I came across this posting.

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thank you for support (plus story update info)! · 2:03am Jun 29th, 2019

hey there! lesbean here making my first blog post and WOW! was not expecting for the first chapter of To the Winner Go the Spoils to get the attention it did. i'm very excited to continue this story because it's one i've been wanting to write for soooo long. i'm glad people are wanting to see more!

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Report lesbean · 196 views · #nsfw #smut #clop #update

My Non-MLP Fiction (NSFW) · 3:11am Jan 30th, 2020


I Have Found My Theme Song · 6:42pm Apr 29th, 2018

Doesn't it just bring a tear to your eye?


I am back! Hopefully · 7:34am Apr 14th, 2017

I've gotten my artistic motivations back and hopefully I can really get into writing again here. Honestly I love writing dirty stuff for my fun. I am so sorry to all my watchers for my lack of blog posts and appearances but I'm going to make the effort to add more updates to things. And editing possibly.


On Progress Reports And Stories Of A Sort · 10:31am Aug 9th, 2020

Figured I'd mention I've got a Pillowfort account that I post writing and occasionally drawings on. Ain't got too much up right now, but I've got more than here and I figure it'd be better to post snippets of the stories I write there than here. There are two short posts up about a griffon and a raider right now as well as a few horrid scribbles.

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I, for One, Accept Our New Robot Overlords · 2:25am Mar 16th, 2020

I'm sure you have all heard about the madlads that made AI learn how to speak in the voices of ponies. If you haven't, here is the website:

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Report Uh-hmmm · 1,124 views · #15ai #fifteenai #smut

HEADS UP 02 · 1:45am Jan 29th, 2022

Hey there guys, I do apologise for the lack of content or updates. So far here's what's been happening. Got sick for a few days, took the semester off, and had time to brainstorm concepts. With that out of the i got some big news. There will be a second story released from your's truly. hold on that not all. It's gonna be a smut story for all you perverts out there. Hopefully this will help me broaden the horizon.

That'll be all for the update, thanks for sticking around.


Regarding ACV · 11:57am Oct 8th, 2016

Some of you may noticed the change in the rating.
Well, as we promised, there will be smut.
But, dear teen-only-reader, fear not!
As we, the glorious psp7master and ScratchnTavi, found the solution to your dilemma! :twilightsmile:
Every chapter will have the clop parts marked. With ***Clop Start*** and ***Clop End***
So feel free to still read it and just skip the clop if you want!

The first new chapter will be up by this evening :trollestia:

ScratchnTavi and psp7master out

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Short, Sexy, and Shameless · 1:00am Apr 4th, 2018

Only a writer like me would make a series like this...

[Adult story embed hidden]

Stop judging me and go enjoy the first chapter!


Pokemons · 1:13pm Feb 12th, 2019

Pokemon fans out there anywhere? Specifically, fans of naughty Pokemon doing naughty things?

Currently on my AO3 and my brand new Furaffinity I have two published NSFW Pokemon stories for anyone who would like to enjoy them.

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Stories · 7:07am Feb 26th, 2016

Okay, so update. I am working on BBO, I am working on Discovering Friendship. But I am also pretty damn sick at the moment and in need of a job. So I was job hunting, and thats not going so well. And then I woke up yesterday so sick I thought I was dying. Then I woke up this morning and my voice was gone. Kinda scared of what I am going to be missing tomorrow morning. ANYWHORE - I noticed I sort of abandoned my smut stories. So ima work on my smut stories. Starting with Colors of the Rainbow,

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Then Again, Maybe I Won't · 4:11am Mar 12th, 2021

So as you can see, the 9th has come and gone and the smut fics are still here. I've decided to leave them up for now, but if I decide to write others, those will probably go to an alt account or be set at a time where everyone involved is unambiguously of an adult age.

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Hey everypony! · 2:31pm Sep 17th, 2017

Hey there! I am Coffee Latte, but Coffee is just as fine to call me. I decided that it would be a fun thing for me to not only create and produce well-written stories, but also act as a reviewer. I find that when it comes to erotic stories, ponies are fine with sacrificing good plots and smut for boring, unoriginal ideas of 'X thrusts into Y' or some form of that idea. Realism takes a backseat, and I think that with such of diverse cast of characters on the show, they would be able to find

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Twi + RD Clop Fic · 4:49am Dec 23rd, 2020


Does it get anyone's attention if I say I have a TwiDash clopfic ready to be released soon? It was close to being finished before my hiatus and I never got around to it until tonight. I haven't released a clopfic in 6 years, so I am excited to see how it goes. I for one enjoy it quite a bit. Anyway, it still needs to be edited. Expect it within a week.

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I'm now open for commissions :3c · 4:56pm Dec 14th, 2017

Hello pony pals!

I don't expect to get many takers for this but just as an FYI, I'm now taking commissions for one shot pony smut and/or ABDL fics:

  • 0.4 cents per word - I'll round down the cost to the nearest 10 cents.
  • Minimum length is 1250 words ($5), because I genuinely don't think I can write less than 1250 words for any kind of scene, and also because I want a minimum to say 'pay me this much ($5) in advance, the rest afterwards'.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 52 results