
Viewing 1 - 20 of 89 results

okay, uhh. · 12:49am Aug 27th, 2021
Check out this story that actually has something going for it! Albeit, a bit confusing, if you’ve never heard of Little Nightmares before.
You should check out the game through playthroughs and whatnot. Or don’t.

Report UndertaleAndAUs · 117 views · #ao3

Inactivity and Other Matters · 8:25pm Jan 8th, 2016

There are people who send me messages when they think I've gone inactive.

Those messages aren't for me.

They're for them.

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Report Glitter Grenade · 436 views · #Ao3 #inactivity

My Other Writing Spaces · 4:14am Apr 23rd, 2021

My new writing spaces👇👇👇

Wattpad (original and fanfic)

AO3 (fanfic)

This should probably be my last blog post for a while. Yup, I still lurk around here every now and then. If ya'll are still interested in my further works, the above links will take you to my AO3 and my Wattpad.

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Report Ckat_Myla · 233 views · #Ao3 #wattpad

AO3 Alert: This Week, it's going down! · 7:25pm Nov 4th, 2018

So, Patreon is being a bit of a jerk again. Or rather, the automatic banking system that exists now that they've gone international is being a jerk. My money is being held because of 'suspicious activity' which I think is code for 'our banks aren't talking to each other right now, let's see what we can do to get them to make up.'

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AO3 Alert: Blooper Reels, Sci-Fi, and ELEVEN DAYS · 6:07pm Feb 17th, 2019

Eleven days to publish the rest of the month's stories. Yay.

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AO3 Alert: Hard at work for the first ten days to make wonders for the next twenty! · 6:54pm Feb 10th, 2019

No, I'm serious. I'm... 1500 words away from releasing a chapter long anticipated in one of my pony fics. And a few thousand other words from another, and there's a lot on AO3 about to go down. And I'm still working on Record Wisdom Bonus Yield, with the current arc's backlog almost completely done. A lot of delayed projects are coming together, and you should expect a burst of productivity come this next week.

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AO3 Alert: ...Okay, THIS week it's going down! · 7:54pm Nov 11th, 2018

Sorry guys, I was going to pony but...


Dramatic episodes are sort of addicting.

But I did get another chapter of With Catlike Tread out. And I am still working on pony. AND THE PATREON ISSUE IS FIXED this month anyway, so to those of you that sent me kofi money I have sent back your kofi money.


Follow-up to the Important Blog · 7:46pm Mar 29th, 2022

Over the next few weeks (possibly months), I will be transferring all of my COMPLETED works from both here and onto my AO3 account.
That is all and I'm gonna go eat some spicy noodles and peppered steak (I made it earlier),


AO3 Alert: Nothing Has Happened! · 2:53pm Jun 10th, 2018

That's right.

Nothing on AO3, nothing here.

Well... that's not entirely true. It would be more accurate to say I have put in a lot of prep-work for various updates and fully intend to release at least one chapter both here and on AO3 in the upcoming weeks, as well as put a lot of effort into my parts of the Infinite Loops (which will NEVER, EVER be patreonized due to being a massive collaboration and not solely my own work).

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AO3 Alert: There is a problem in the workflow here. · 7:08pm Nov 18th, 2018

"Hello there!" Masterweaver said, sweeping into the room grandeously. "We've got a lot of work to do!"


"Like, a lot. We need to put out some pony, but that should be easy enough. And there are a few other things we should get cracking on as well, a few large projects with lots of fans."

The woman at the desk nodded vaguely. "Yeah, sure."

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AO3 Alert: No AO3 updates this month. · 5:07pm Jun 30th, 2019

That's right, this month was pure pony.

Well, half-pony.

Well, half-pony and a referece.

The eight-chapter story I'm calling P14 for shorthand came to me out of almost nowhere and has consumed my every day this last week. And now it is done. So if you want to read that, you can!

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AO3 Alert: One and a half updates · 6:48pm Feb 24th, 2019

So, the Camp Camp Infinite Loops updated, but I'm not patreonizing that because Loops are Collabs and that wouldn't be fair.

I am however patreonizing the next chapter of The Power Of Four.

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AO3 Alert: I'm late! · 2:16pm Mar 11th, 2019

I usually post theses on sunday! It's because of daylight savings times! Yeah, that's totally it. I didn't get caught up in a video game or anything...


Anyway, I've just started Regeneration, a side fic set in a Mass Effect/Splatoon crossover verse. And I do have a lot of stuff in the works. Pony is among them. So yeah. Weeeee!


AO3 Alert: So... about last week... · 6:17pm Oct 14th, 2018

I finished Sunscarred, and got ready to wait for commissions. I mean, a bunch of people said they wanted to commission me, and I decided to lay out rules.



Did I misread the situation...?

Anyway, I've been plugging away at some longer works. Hopefully they'll get updated soon. Pony or otherwise. It's really just wrapping up the final scene for a couple of them.


AO3 Alert: In Which My Muse Goes Rogue · 12:38pm Jul 8th, 2018

"Alright," Masterweaver said firmly. "I promised the fans we'd update Hc Svnt Equus Pinnis soon. Sometime this week. Now, you've had a fun time with the squids, but now it's time to get back to the ponies."

"Oh, alright." The muse turned to the cast, moving them around a bit. "This could go here, and she.... that's how she would act, right..."

Masterweaver nodded. "Good. Now keep working on that, I'll be back in a few minutes."

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AO3 Alert: I've been busy, and it ain't gonna stop! · 5:33pm Oct 28th, 2018

So over this past week I've been doing some stuff over on AO3 which, yes, is going to get patreonize.

First of all, the next chapter of Light and Song finally came out, just in time for the RWBY V6 hype train. Yes, it's been a while, but now that I've gotten V1 of this volume gone through I can start working on more twists, turns, and master plans. There is a lot I could do with this concept. I have ideas.

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AO3 alert: Yeah this should have gone up sunday. · 9:36pm Nov 29th, 2018


I have, um... been kind of busy.

Preparing a new project.

I did get another chapter of With Catlike Tread up though. And also a oneshot: What's in a laugh? Which has to deal with some aspects of last week's Zombieland Saga episode. You know the one. Or if you don't, well... seriously that anime is worth watching.

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AO3 Alert: Xenofiction · 4:40pm Sep 23rd, 2018

Shadow and Bone is a short piece exploring the mindset of background monsters from RWBY. Maybe it'll get more chapters, maybe not. But it is the only non-loops thing I've been able to work on this week.

Well, this next week is the last week of the month. I will try to get something out on FiMfic, and other stuff as well...

I am just jampacked with things I need to do right now.


AO3 Alert: So I think I've figured out my pattern. · 6:02pm Mar 17th, 2019

I tend to speed up production near the end of the month... because I'm stressing out over what to do in the beginning half.

Anyway, Harry Potter and the Red-Headed Alien Warrior has been updated, and everything is going hunky dory, yep.


AO3 Alert: It Comes. · 7:12pm Dec 9th, 2018

I've been very quiet.

Because I've been working.

On something.

A webcomic, actually.

It will be out in the new year.

I'll let you know what it is when it happens.

BUT IN SILLIER NEWS! The Brunswick Blooper Reel is up, in case you're a RWBY fan recovering from "Alone In The Woods." And I'll be danged if I don't get at least one chapter of pony out before the year ends!

Viewing 1 - 20 of 89 results