• Member Since 20th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen July 19th


Author of the Tarnished Silver series. I write clopfics with too many emotions in them. My work is very niche, but my readers are a wonderfully enthusiastic bunch, so I must be doing something right?


10 Years Later · 11:24pm Jun 22nd, 2022


...anyone still here?

Hi, everybody. I doubt anyone else has even noticed, nor would I expect them to, but ten years ago today, I uploaded a weird little clop story called Tarnished Silver to this site.

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MARE-Y CHRISTMAS, MOVIE HOUSE! · 1:25am Dec 25th, 2015

(That's right, I still exist.)

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Tarnished Silver: The Audiobook (Plus: foreign language editions, and a teaser for something new!) · 10:29am Mar 19th, 2014

FACT: In our busy modern world of smartphones and red pandas, few of us have time to sit down and read books, let alone morally questionable horse fanfiction. Thus we have seen the meteoric rise of the audiobook, which allows people to take in a story while doing something else, like flying a jet between two narrow canyons under heavy enemy fire, or jogging. But until now, there's been no outlet for Tarnished Silver readers to engage in this pastime. What's a person to do?

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"Baby Steps" · 7:29am Feb 17th, 2014

Those two words in yesterday's episode managed to completely redefine the episode, and possibly the character of Fluttershy, for me. I think they might be the two most important words she's ever spoken. Here's why.

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A new story is coming tomorrow! · 3:45am Jan 17th, 2014

Why yes, I am a shameless whore , thank you for noticing.

Tomorrow afternoon (that's Friday CST, people of the world) the internet will be forced to endure another entry in the Tarnished Silver canon. It's a one-shot, but I'm actually quite pleased with it, which is something I don't usually say about my own writing.

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Merry Something! · 7:13am Dec 25th, 2013

Today we commemorate the day when three horse tribes decided to pretend they liked each other, in order to keep some snow ghosts from freezing them to death, and from their love a child was born in swaddling clothes, and even though he only had enough oil to light the candles for one day, it lasted for three wise men. Yes, today is Tawianese Constitution Day.

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I'm slow at everything, sorry. (Interrupted Cadance finale pushed back to Friday morning) · 12:00pm Nov 21st, 2013

Yeah, I know I do this to you guys all the time. I'm sorry. I feel awful delaying the chapter TWICE this time, but it's taking longer than planned, and then yesterday some unrelated nonsense came up that required my immediate attention.

So yeah, looks like this finale is going to be delayed until early Friday. I only have a little bit more to go, but I don't want to rush it out, even though I hate to keep you guys waiting.

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Interrupted Cadance Finale on Wednesday Evening! (plus, Tarnished Silver Ask Pony tumblrs, and Russian Rarity!) · 7:25am Nov 17th, 2013

Well, just look at all this suspense! Will Shining and Cadance works things out? Will Silver learn to deal with her awful past? Will Shining figure out that telling his wife about sex clubs in explicit detail may not have been the best way to get her to remain faithful?

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New chapter on Wednesday (also, bonus fun thing to check out!) · 6:53am Oct 22nd, 2013

Yep, the next chapter of Interrupted Cadance is being pushed back a day. It wouldn't be me if there weren't occasional delays, but holy shit, Ham, a delay on chapter TWO? NEW RECORD! (Mario Party celebration music goes here.)

You know how it goes, life stuff gummed up the works. I'll try to keep to schedule from here on out, though. Thanks for your patience!

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The new Tarnished Silver story arrives on Tuesday! · 11:10am Oct 14th, 2013

In case you missed the last blog post, this happened.

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