• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2016
  • offline last seen Aug 29th, 2022


Just a pegasister duo with big dreams, pony stories, and too many ideas for their own good. Pony on!

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Both Halves of SevenBubbles Say Hello to You, Stranger

Hi there, and welcome to our page! I'm the blue unicorn in our profile pic, Sunsketch-
I'm Bubble Burst, the orange one.
-And we're the two hardcore MLP fans who run this account.
We've been very good friends for quite some time, and relatively recently became rather enamored with a certain show about singing, tiny horses.
Sunsketch got me into it. Blame her for any stories you see here.
You started this account!
You wrote the first one.
...Fair enough. Anyway, we'll probably let y'all know of new stories via blog post. Also salads.
Take care, stay cool and-
Pony on!


I guess I have to tell you about me too... · 9:05pm Jan 26th, 2017

Hiya eyerypony! It's Bubble Burst (Sketch calls me Bursty). I recently noticed that Sketch posted telling you about her. I suppose that means I'm obligated to tell you something about me now. So, where to start? I'm super weird (and proud of it, thank you very much), super sarcastic, and super defensive about the smallest of things. Most of my stories are a bit morbid(my best poem is about a murder). I'm in

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Report SevenBubbles1000 · 394 views ·
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Thank you kindly for the feedback on Reality is a Lovely Place. :twilightsmile:

Hiya, thanks for the fave :twilightsmile:

With only eight other stories on that list, too? And the other two on there I've read were both ones I enjoyed very much? Colour me flattered! :pinkiehappy:

Bubble Burst and Sunsketch, eh?

Welcome to Fimfiction! An awesome first story that had me giggling from start to finish. I wish you both the best of luck!

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This is the real Bubble Burst

So that last thing was really just Sunsketch, I was not involved. But she knows we well enough that it's EXTREAMLY accurate.


I guess I have to tell you about me too... · 9:05pm Jan 26th, 2017

Hiya eyerypony! It's Bubble Burst (Sketch calls me Bursty). I recently noticed that Sketch posted telling you about her. I suppose that means I'm obligated to tell you something about me now. So, where to start? I'm super weird (and proud of it, thank you very much), super sarcastic, and super defensive about the smallest of things. Most of my stories are a bit morbid(my best poem is about a murder). I'm in

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Report SevenBubbles1000 · 394 views ·

I guess I have to tell you about me too... · 9:05pm Jan 26th, 2017

Hiya eyerypony! It's Bubble Burst (Sketch calls me Bursty). I recently noticed that Sketch posted telling you about her. I suppose that means I'm obligated to tell you something about me now. So, where to start? I'm super weird (and proud of it, thank you very much), super sarcastic, and super defensive about the smallest of things. Most of my stories are a bit morbid(my best poem is about a murder). I'm in

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Report SevenBubbles1000 · 394 views ·