• Member Since 16th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen June 25th

Pacific plus 12

Russian. From Russia. I read much and comment little, for fear of errors in my English. :)

Comments ( 38 )
  • Viewing 34 - 38 of 38

Thank you for the watch; I hope my future work is worthy of your attention.

:ajsmug: Thanks for the favorites on Star Overhead and Super, and the watch.

Thank you for the favorite

Thanks for the fave mate! It means a lot.
Would mean a lot if you'd slip me a cheeky upvote and maybe a lil comment!
We got some downvote brigaders to counter.

Thanks so much for the watch. First off, you aren't the first Russian on fimfic that I've talked too. So don't worry, comments, even with rough English, are always appreciated.

  • Viewing 34 - 38 of 38
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