• Member Since 17th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen July 10th



And so time passes... · 2:59pm Aug 23rd, 2023

So it's been almost a year since my wife passed away and I'm still not quite right. I doubt I ever will be.

And that's both sad and okay. It's just a truth of how things happen.

That said, I am "coming up from bottom" so to speak and am better than I have been in a while.

I still intend to write but it's hard to free your inner muse when your heart doesn't feel free.

I'll get there eventually. Thanks to everybody who reached out!

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Hello, seems like you didn't receive my email, so I'll ask here. May I have your permission to make a translation of "Becoming Twilight"?

Lol, I know it's random. I just like spreading kindness whenever I can.

That's awesome! :heart:

Thank you!

No idea where any of this is going but trying to stick to plans that give my daughter a good future and us some freedom to be who we are.


I am functional for the time being. There's a lot of things going on that I just haven't posted. I still want to write but also am streaming every weeknight so that takes up some of the writing space.

Also physical things - I get my foot reconstructed this Friday barring any obstacles. Charcot Syndrome in the foot itself not the ankle like most people. Gotta be different I do. ;-) Once that's done though I should be better after December. That means I'll be able to catch up with all the stuff that has fallen behind since I got damaged and my wife got cancer.

I probably should put this in a blog post but I need to go take my meds then get some sleep before work tomorrow.

Thanks for asking!

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