• Member Since 1st Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago


Engineer, Brony, Author. Not necessarily in that order.


Just being a friend is simple and safe, according Spike. He’s not cut out to be anything more than that: he isn’t the dashing hero that an amazing pony like Rarity expects and deserves. When a random act seemingly breaks their friendship, and when he’s given a chance to relive that moment in hopes of finding a way to fix it, he’ll discover just how complicated, and also how simple, his and Rarity’s relationship is.

Written in honor of Pia-chan's contest
Preread by Bugsydor

Chapters (4)

Ponyville was supposed to be Ditzy’s fresh start, a chance to leave the past behind and be her own mare. So what if that fresh start includes sleeping in her second cousin’s spare bedroom? So what if she’s working double shifts at the Hay Burger? She’s got a plan, a plan that starts with the expensive items that mysteriously appear on the second-hoof store’s shelves on a very special day of the month.

A season one story.

Winner of GMBlackjack’s Depth in Innocence Contest

Featured on Equestria Daily

Special thanks to FanOfMostEverything

Chapters (6)

The deepest gem mines were there before Equestria, and so were the donkeys. Every facet of their way of life, from its trials to its triumphs, has stood unchanged for eons.

Mica knows this. She also knows accidents happen; the last one took her parents. Hopefully she and her twin sister can survive the next.

Featured on Equestria Daily
An entry in Jake The Army Guy's Horseword Extravaganza 2

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Where We Belong

I ruined everything. It’s as simple as that. Because of me Nightmare Moon took over, and there’s nothing I can do to fix it. I just wish I knew what to do with myself now…
- Moon Dancer

Note: this is more of a companion piece than a sequel. Reading Where We Belong first is important, but this is strictly Moon Dancer's journey through (roughly) the same time period.

Chapters (11)

In the wake of Twilight’s escape from her kingdom, Nightmare Moon sentences Rarity, her palace steward, to a terrible fate: bound in gold and priceless gems, she’s to be thrown into an ancient dragon prison to be messily devoured.

Except the prison isn’t what it seems, nor is its sole occupant. Rarity just might find her life instead of losing it, and alter the course of Equestrian history in process.

Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (18)

Rarity is turning into a plant, which is the least of her troubles.

Winner of the Rainbow Dash award in Everfree Northwest Scribblefest 2018

Edited by Dubs Rewatcher and horizon
Cover art by dm29

Chapters (4)

The life of a Wonderbolt is full of cheering crowds and awe-inspiring feats of flight. For Soarin, some of the most critical moments of all, the moments that have shaped and reshaped everything and everyone he holds dear happened away from the crowds and out of the sky. Sometimes the greatest changes wait until after the action is over.

Featured on Equestria Daily!
Cover art designed by Novel Idea
Pre-read by FanOfMostEverything

Part of Mana's Wonderful Wonderbolts Writing Contest

Chapters (7)

Historians call it the Wailing Mountain. The locals call the surrounding desert Forbidden. Daring Do calls them both nuisances, annoying physical obstacles between her and a clean escape from her latest adventure-gone-south. Visiting this secluded peak, and learning why its resident’s screams echo across the sands, might change her mind.

The Suicide tag is being used only because the topic is mentioned.

Featured on Equestria Daily

An entry in Cynewolf’s worldbuilding contest

Chapters (3)

Belvedere awoke to a misery he couldn’t explain, as if he’d experienced a great and terrible loss while he slept. His only clue, his only hope for regaining control over his life, is a curious image in his mind, an image he needs to draw.

Twilight awoke in a different world, a world where a dim sun never sets, where magic is scarce, where monsters haunt every shadow. Her only aid, her only friend, is a stallion named Belvedere who’s just as lost as she is.

Featured by Seattle’s Angels
Featured on Equestria Daily
Edited by Pascoite and PaulAsaran
Cover art by GenjiLim

Chapters (6)

Fluttershy’s struggle with her crippling shyness seemed to be over, now that she had six best friends whisking her off on adventures on a regular basis. Her therapist had other ideas, such as her making a new pony friend all on her own. Her attempt to fulfill that challenge, by way of introducing herself to the first pony to cross her path, didn’t go at all like she expected.

A season one romance.

Featured by Seattle’s Angels
Featured on Equestria Daily
Third place winner in JakeTheArmyGuy's Horse Words Extravaganza!
Edited by Themaskedferret

Chapters (6)