• Member Since 18th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 14th, 2014


Writing Schedule/Queue

Current order of things being written:

1. One-shot involving Spike and a pet.
ETA: Sometime in the next month.

2. Character Development Chapter 3 (Finally!)
ETA: Before June 16th!

3. First chapter of a genre parody involving Twilight and her awkward new responsibilities


One-shot SF sadfic involving obscure pony and Fluttershy.

ETA: ???


Publications Appendix A - Satires/Parodies of fandom matters


Character Development is almost a year old · 1:43am May 8th, 2013

And I'm still on Chapter 2. :pinkiesad2:

June 16th will mark the one-year anniversary of it. It's still my most-watched story, and, for some reason, the one I think of working on the least. >.<

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Report GreyCapstan · 486 views ·
Comments ( 7 )
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Noooooononononono no.... no :raritydespair:

what happened to the deadline for the third chapter of Character Development?

I was so hoping to see this beautiful story continue :fluttershbad:

Thank you for the watch! I appreciate it, and it means a lot to me! :pinkiehappy: :heart:


I don't know why I wasn't watching you earlier. I keep coming back to check on Character Development.

Thanks for the watch, really like you character development story.

Thanks for the watch! Your stuff looks good.

  • Viewing 3 - 7 of 7
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