It has been a while · 1:20am May 15th, 2016
So I'm not dead after all. What's happened since my last update? Several things, actually:
"Finding it, though... That's not the hard part. It's letting go."
So I'm not dead after all. What's happened since my last update? Several things, actually:
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Also, in your bio
? Loved that quote
There's so many in that game though, it's hard to pick a favorite
Thanks for faving Princesses' [info redacted]
I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Thanks for the fav!
Thanks for the favorite on What You Deserve!
Would you mind giving a little feedback? I
really want to know how people feel about the
first bit of it.
Thanks for faving Children of Equestria
Thank you for joining my group"the good prince".Hope to see you a piece of your handy work in the future.
Thank you for joining Roseluck on her journey. It's not one she would want to take alone.
-Thank you for the favorite of Ghost of a Rose, pokeking. I hope you enjoy following her journey as much as I did guiding her through it.

1355249 Just wondering. I would consider it a crime if someone was a Fallout fan, a brony, and yet had not heard of Fallout Equestria.
If you're interested in reading the sidefics, I STRONGLY reccomend Murky Number Seven once you are finished.
You're welcome! I was admittedly a bit surprised that your story was marked as "Incomplete," so I'm rather intrigued to see what happens next.
As for Fallout: Equestria, I've read through most of it, but I still have the last four chapters plus the Epilogue and Afterword to go (so still a good 90K words left to read). Why do you ask?