• Member Since 24th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 7th, 2017



Well, this is embarrassing. · 10:11pm May 13th, 2014

So. My precious few followers have probably noticed by now that I haven't been around much lately. Why is that?

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Report Portmeirion · 733 views · Story: The Successors ·

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Comments ( 29 )
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Would you mind checking out a short one shot I wrote called "The Line". I would really appreciate it, and constructive criticism is always highly valued! ^-^ Sorry for posting it on your userpage, but my PM's don't seem to be working as of right now. feel free to delete this message after youve read it.

I'd also like to know how you feel about me sending messages/posts like this to many people each day. Would you consider it spam, despite the fact that I only send it to a person once. Furthermore, I leave people who want nothing to do with me alone after the first message, and message back every single person who did reply, and is interested. Would you consider this spam?

(I am currently in a bit of an issue regarding this.)

698958 Thank you! I'm flattered that you name something I wrote as one of your favorite fanfics. I'm sure Val appreciates the praise as well. I'm so glad you're enjoying The Successors!

Replies aren't working, but Successors is one of my favorite fan stories out there!

You and Val are great! :twilightsmile:

I have good news for you: we're not the only fans of both shows. If you haven't seen this, you should; if you have, it's worth watching again.

690214 Yes! Indeed I am a big fan of The Prisoner. Funny, when I first chose that username I didn't expect anyone to get the reference. Glad to find someone who does!

Be seeing you, pal.

  • Viewing 25 - 29 of 29
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