I Got Scammed · 1:37pm Aug 31st, 2024
For anyone wondering: No, this is not a troll post; I'm better than that.
An MLP viewer from Singapore, now an active viewer here on FimFiction. May find inspiration to create my own stories.
For anyone wondering: No, this is not a troll post; I'm better than that.
Hi again!
I've already finished the updates to Chapter 2, which now leaves me free to continue writing Chapter 3. Feel free to reread Chapter 2 to see if the story flows better.
In the meantime, I look forward to expanding the story even further for as long as I desire.
See you soon!
Hi, guys.
I've decided to make some changes to the published chapters & how I organise my story for the foreseeable future:
Welp, it's been a long time since I last posted anything on this website.
In all honesty, I've been lazy, procrastinating, and most of all, distracted by work in real life, so I haven't made as much progress on Of Humans & Demons as I wanted. Rest assured, I am not dead, & neither is my story. Chapter 3 is now in progress as of this post, so don't worry.
Hi, everyone. It's been a while.
I just thought it was time I posted another update to my profile to assure those who were wondering: I'm not dead, & neither is my story. Life has gotten in the way of writing the next chapter, more so now that I have been working since the start of this year at my first full-time job, followed by laziness, distractions, & procrastination.
For anyone wondering: No, this is not a troll post; I'm better than that.
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I've updated
- MLP: FiM
- Romance
- Dark
What if Twilight didn't accept the apologies from her mentor, brother, and friends?I've updated The rise of an Empire!
You're welcome!
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