• Member Since 9th Sep, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


An MLP viewer from Singapore, now an active viewer here on FimFiction. May find inspiration to create my own stories.

Blog Posts

  • 5 weeks
    Back on Track

    Hi again!

    I've already finished the updates to Chapter 2, which now leaves me free to continue writing Chapter 3. Feel free to reread Chapter 2 to see if the story flows better.

    In the meantime, I look forward to expanding the story even further for as long as I desire.

    See you soon!

    2 comments · 43 views
  • 7 weeks
    A Few Updates

    Hi, guys.

    I've decided to make some changes to the published chapters & how I organise my story for the foreseeable future:

    1. I've decided to edit all public chapters from the Prologue to Chapter 2 of Of Humans & Demons for better clarity & engagement for all viewers. As of this post, the Prologue & Interlude 1 have already been updated, with Chapters 1 & 2 to follow soon.

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    5 comments · 50 views
  • 10 weeks
    I'm Still Here

    Welp, it's been a long time since I last posted anything on this website.

    In all honesty, I've been lazy, procrastinating, and most of all, distracted by work in real life, so I haven't made as much progress on Of Humans & Demons as I wanted. Rest assured, I am not dead, & neither is my story. Chapter 3 is now in progress as of this post, so don't worry.

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    3 comments · 51 views
  • 63 weeks
    Where I've Been for the Past Few Months

    Hi, everyone. It's been a while.

    I just thought it was time I posted another update to my profile to assure those who were wondering: I'm not dead, & neither is my story. Life has gotten in the way of writing the next chapter, more so now that I have been working since the start of this year at my first full-time job, followed by laziness, distractions, & procrastination.

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    0 comments · 118 views
  • 82 weeks
    New Life Achievement Unlocked!

    At long last, I finally did it.

    After 3.5 years of training...

    I'm finally getting...


    That's right! After countless pauses in between driving lessons due to University schedules, I have finally taken my driving test & passed! I even applied for my Qualified Driving Licence (QDL) 2 days ago, which will take around 2 weeks to process. It was a long journey with a narrow escape, but I say it was worth it.

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    1 comments · 112 views

Back on Track · 3:06am June 17th

Hi again!

I've already finished the updates to Chapter 2, which now leaves me free to continue writing Chapter 3. Feel free to reread Chapter 2 to see if the story flows better.

In the meantime, I look forward to expanding the story even further for as long as I desire.

See you soon!

Report MyFairladyZ · 43 views · Story: Of Humans & Demons ·
Comments ( 9 )
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I've updated

TThe Rise Of An Empire
What if Twilight didn't accept the apologies from her mentor, brother, and friends?
KingSombraTheTyrantRuler · 26k words  ·  99  17 · 9.1k views

Thanks for faving Riding In Zebrica, MyFairLadyZ!

Thanks for another fav

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