• Member Since 19th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 19th, 2024


Learn to love the writing, of telling a story that you want told, and not the recognition that comes with it. When skill and passion atrophy, write for yourself, and in time, you'll inspire others.


When pranks are the name of the game, sometimes, you gotta take a break from it all, especially when you're reformed and no longer considered the "bad" guy. But, you'll always be considered the "weird" guy, and for Discord, the makings of a potentially huge prank are always best done with a splash of boredom.

However, things tend to take a turn for the worst if you don't know what you're doing, or don't take into account everyone that could be involved...

Chapters (1)

Time waits for none, though some of the best things one can do is make that time in someone's life just a little bit happier. One special pony does this every day to those who are ill, and one of her favorite regulars loves to talk with her.

However, no good thing lasts forever.

Chapters (1)

Celestia and Chrysalis do not like each other very much, which is a fairly accurate understatement. However, both have duties to attend to, and one day, the two of them come face to face once more, under circumstances outside of their choosing.

Rated T for mentions of adult topics.

Chapters (1)

To be unable to have a foal is one of the worst fears anyone in Equestria might face. It can plague mare or stallion, destroy marriages, and even cause societal unrest in the most extreme of circumstances.

A reporter knows this, and as such, is able to snag an interview with Princess Twilight Sparkle, who has just recently helped pass legislation that will ensure nopony will be unable to become a parent, should they wish to become one.

Contains: mentions of sex.

Chapters (1)

The night is upon Equestria, and on a farm on the outskirts of Ponyville, a family settles in for the night.

Chapters (1)

Celestia is in a very good mood, and has been for some time. Her days are less stressful, the kingdom's problems no longer weigh on her mind as they once did, and the thought of never having to sleep alone is now a reality.

Yet, for all of this, she still wants to know why her human partner loves as he does, and one morning, she asks him.

Rated T for cuddles and suggestive themes.

Many thanks to beirirangu for proofreading my work.

Chapters (1)

Years before, after becoming a little older and hopefully a bit wiser, Spike fell into a state of hibernation, a common occurrence for a young, growing dragon. His cave sat undisturbed for far longer than he thought, though.

When he finally wakes up, there's... something different about this world.

How will his time asleep have changed his relationships with every pony he knows? With the pony he... loves?

All credit to cover image goes to Rameslack. Please give their work a look-see.

Complete rewrite of Heritage, featuring no rape. Rating may still change though.
(If you want the original Heritage for some reason, it can be viewed either here or on Fanfiction.net.)

Chapters (4)

A long, long time ago, there was a knight who set out on a noble quest to save a fair maiden and, if possible, slay the dragon keeping her captive.

Only... things don't always go as planned.

Many thanks to the incredibly talented hattonslayden for letting me use this picture for the cover art. Check out his work some time!

Update: featured? Oh my... I feel all tingly inside...

Chapters (1)

The sheer power unleashed during Nightmare Moon's transformation and her subsequent battle with her sister, Princess Celestia, means that the newly-imprisoned mare of the night has access to magic she hadn't before. However, no matter how hard she tries, she can do nothing to Equestria from where she was; no teleporting back, no messing with weather, nothing.

So, delving into some of her newfound yet mostly useless power, the mare tries summoning things to her from across dimensions, if only to stave off eventual boredom. After many attempts, she is able to finally find something to bring to the moon, alive and enchanted to remain unharmed.

Only thing is, he's not sure if that's a good thing.

Chapters (2)

Training to be a royal guard is one of the hardest things a pony can do in the Equestrian military, and only the cream of the crop can truly rise through the ranks and earn such a title. However, one fine day in Camp Clydesdale, a certain visitor will shake things up in ways the new recruits hadn't expected.

Chapters (1)