• Member Since 19th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


Learn to love the writing, of telling a story that you want told, and not the recognition that comes with it. When skill and passion atrophy, write for yourself, and in time, you'll inspire others.


Upcoming Q&A · 9:35pm Feb 23rd, 2019

As it is, there'll be an upcoming Q&A session with a wide variety of Fimfiction authors, and surprise, I'll be one of them! All details are in the link itself, and I do believe that is where you can post your questions.

As for the Q&A itself, it'll be from 8-9AM EST.


Calling all my Former Proofreaders · 1:44am Apr 6th, 2017

This goes out to everyone who has helped me with my stories these past few years. Firstly, thank you so much, I could never have gotten as far as I have without you. You've been inspirational, a pick-me-up, and oftentimes good friends when it came to what I was writing and dealing with, as have all the fans who have read my works. Again, I thank you all for being there with me through everything.

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Report Abramus5250 · 1,510 views ·

My Own Published Book · 6:48pm Jan 2nd, 2017

Yes, the title is right: I recently published my very own original work, for sale on Amazon, as an ebook. You can find the book here at this link. If you find the book preview to be interesting, consider purchasing it (for the low price of $1.99), but if not, then that is fine.

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Major Update · 2:40pm Dec 18th, 2016

Wow, it's been nearly a year since my last blog post. Time sure has flown this year, what with two jobs, a lot of work on some of my stories, and a great deal of time spent trying to make sure it all comes together.

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Report Abramus5250 · 619 views ·

Commissions and Rules · 6:09pm Jan 20th, 2016

Should I take them? I have been contacted in the past concerning them, though decided against it at the time, and would be tickled pink if people actually wanted me to do such. However, I would likely have a few ground rules.

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Report Abramus5250 · 841 views ·

New Year's Resolution · 4:30pm Jan 1st, 2016

All righty then, the beginning of 2016. First year in a very long time where I have no school to look forward to, just new job prospects. A nice change of pace of exams and such, but no less stressful.

Anyways, this is a new year, and I aim to do much in it where my writing is concerned. Let me see...

[ ] Write and then publish at least one chapter of A Dragon's Journey every month (seriously, I need to get back on that)

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Report Abramus5250 · 419 views ·

Merry Christmas · 11:12am Dec 25th, 2015

... and a Happy New Year!

Always remember...

(New short story incoming)

Report Abramus5250 · 384 views ·

Update Importantus · 2:09am Dec 3rd, 2015

Well, sad to say, but I feel like taking a short break from pony stories for a short while. I'm just having trouble getting it all together, plus the fact that I have to start applying for jobs again in the near future, means that my writing time, while it will increase, will also become side-tracked by life once more.

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Report Abramus5250 · 362 views ·

Well Now... · 9:29pm Oct 20th, 2015

Just get my laptop back after 2 weeks of repairs (static discharge messed it up, thankfully all my important files were backed up), pulled up Fimfic today, and found myself at 800 followers.

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Report Abramus5250 · 411 views ·

Five Random Songs From My Playlist · 10:47pm Oct 3rd, 2015

Just felt like doing some more regular posting of blogs: any and all blogs I now post are free for questions you may have about pretty much anything, be it me, my writing, or my stories.

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Report Abramus5250 · 374 views ·