Undertale Fever · 4:20am Nov 21st, 2015
Greetings, my loyal knights of the SacredGuard and other viewers. Tis I, the one and only Von Dragonblade, coming to you with a quick update.
A youtuber, fanfic writer and a gamer who loves doing what he loves and loves to enjoy it. I'm a friendly guy once you get to know me. So nice to meet you all
Greetings, my loyal knights of the SacredGuard and other viewers. Tis I, the one and only Von Dragonblade, coming to you with a quick update.
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Thanks for the fav!
Thank you for the fave on At Their Mercy.
You had an involvement in Monster Girl Quest Bloopers?
Thank you for faving Sugar on the Rocks!
1317175 Your story seemed pretty interesting and I'm hoping I can see more of your work in the future