• Member Since 17th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 27th, 2024


I am the most adorable dragon slayer in existance.


This story is a sequel to The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book One

After having just escaped death from a near fatal magical accident that he nearly paid with his life, Nava must now make a choice either fear magic forever, or finally man up for once and face all of his problems head on. Including his bad acrophobia and the fact that the Princesses now know of his existence as well.

Not only that, but a certain group of thestrals will also be keeping a direct eye on him too. Specifically a certain captain with anger issues and a complicated past which may or may not explain her reasons for her questionable methods and sometimes open hostility.

Will Nava break from his problems with the help of those closest to him in this new world? Or will he finally break down and let his fears get the better of him.

Also what is going to happen to both Flitter and Cloudchaser? The two mares who invited this strange new Alicorn into their lives. Will they find out that he is not from Equestria at all?

Who knows? Only the future itself can answer these questions.

(Featured again on the day it was released on the 3/18/2017)

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 579 )

So now is another time... Just saying you should definitely upload the next chapter

Interesting start. Feels like it will be slow going considering he is crippled. Not to mention the one month time gap that he will have to be caught up with.

Well, I think the coma was a good metaphor for the long haitus that we had with waiting the second art of the story to appear. It's great to see more of you again Nava.

That link to the previous story just leads back here.

Already featured too. Need to start reading the first book so I can understand what's going on while I edit these chapters for yah Mr. Nava


... just for the picture itself I approve! Glade shipping is a go!

Looking forward to those thestrals to get what's coming...I'm wary of their motives. Let's get Nava back to Flitter and Cloudchaser!

Found a few mistakes
Wait a minute…I am slowly started to grasp these concepts as well.
*I slowly started
Did something happened to me?
both Princesses obvious now know that I exist and so does Twilight.

You know you're in for a ride when there are typos in the dang synopsis.

So do the thestrals serve luna or themsemves?

Typo Hunt

(This story is a squeal towards "The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book one")

1) - sequel (a "squeal" is a type of animalistic noise, a pig squealing is particularly grating))

After having just escaped death from a fatal magical accident that nearly costed his life, Nava must now make a choice, either fear magic forever, or finally man up for once and face all of his problems head on. Including his really bad acrophobia and the fact that the Princesses now know of his existence as well.

2) - Cost him his (just, just no. While technically not wrong, it's one of the ugliest ways of writing that)
3) - choice; (This either needs a semi-colon or a colon, not entirely sure which, but a comma is wrong here)

Not only that, but a certain group of Thestral's will also be keeping a direct eye on him too. Specifically a certain captain with anger issues and a complicated past which may or may not explain her reasons for her questionable methods and sometimes open hostility.

4) - thestrals (don't need to capitalize species, and that apostraphe is unneeded)

Will Nava break from his problems with the help of those closest to him in this new world, or will he finally break down and let his fears get the better of him.

5) - world? Or (This is a question, needs a question mark)
6) - him? (Again question mark needed)

Also what is going to happen to both Flitter and Cloudchaser? The two mare's who invited this strange new Alicorn into there life's. Will they find out that he is not from Equestria at all?

7) - mares (apostraphe unneeded)
8) - their lives (wrong "there/they're/their" there is a location, they're is short for "they are", and their is a indication of something belonging to "them". Lives is the plural of life in this particular situation. "She invited him into her home and her life" to "They invited him into their home and their lives")

Who knows, only the future itself can answer these questions.

9) - knows? Only (question mark needed)


Honestly, probably not gonna touch this story beyond this comment. The thestrals and everything surrounding their part in the previous story served only to piss me off to a level that I rarely reach.

That said, if you ever need proof-reading or editing send me a PM and I'll see what I can do.


I knew I recognized that cover art style! :twilightsmile:

There seems to have been a lot of story progress happening off-camera while he was in a coma, so it'll be interesting to see how it all plays out.

Glade sent him a 'get better' card...That won't end well.


Entirely unsure if this is sarcasm, a compliment, or if I should be exceedingly afraid.

8032360 I met a guy with a semicolon... he'd had the rest removed due to cancer. (dark humor is dark)

You bastard! Plz upload soon! Also love the story.


Glad you're back.
Was that a Monty Python reference in there and what happened to his changling friend?

Is it wrong that I want to massacre those thestrals?

8033204 Well as a changeling she obviously needs to stay hidden.

8033451 Yes it is, they are hardcore but overall haven't really done much that makes them hated enemies in the fic.

8032360 I'm sorry to hear that. Yes, they upset me as well, but I'm gonna stick it out. If you​ really want to be pissed off then try this one.:raritywink:

Can't help but think with all of these female characters that there's going to be a massive gangbang at some point during this story. Not that it matters - still better than Megapone's 'In The Gala' fanfic. By the Gods, that was an awful AWFUL story.

8034767 You set it on fire and toss in a few ghost peppers and buckets of magma.

8032993 Why would his gender change? I don't recall sexual gender bending powers in the first story.

8035198 I don't want to give away too much of the awful story, but basically it's set in a universe where genders are reversed, and Big Mac goes to a gala just to drop off some apples, when a massively obese prince comes in and says, "Whoever can fit my dick inside of themselves will become my wife and permanent baby factory for the rest of their days," and any mare who cannot fit his massive cock inside of themselves actually gets EATEN BY HIS ROD AND TURNED INTO SPERM. There's even one part where a mare tries to save her sister from dying but gets sucked into his cock as well and dies with her.

You know what the best part is about the story though? NOPONY DOES ANYTHING TO HELP. They just stand there and let this monster of a prince kill these mares with his cock, until Big Mac comes and manages to fit the dick's dick inside herself.

The story is garbage because there's NOTHING likable about it. It just paints all the female characters as idiots who want a cock inside of them and they die for it, and Big Mac's reward for beating the prince's challenge will be to make babies for him for the rest of her life. And nobody even thinks to say, "Hey, this prince is killing ponies. We should do something about that."

So like I said, it's an awful story. Which got featured, by the by. Fuck this site. Fuck this site, and everything about it, except for the stories that I actually like, like this one. This is a good story - well, the first one was; I can't say anything about this one until more chapters come, but I'm confident it will be a good tale.

After having just escaped death from a near fatal magical accident that he nearly paid with his life, Nava must now make a choice either fear magic forever, or finally man up for once and face all of his problems head on. Including his bad acrophobia and the fact that the Princesses now know of his existence as well.

1) - he nearly paid for with (you need to pay for something. "Pay someone for services", "pay for something", it's an act in response to another act)


8034992 Isn't it every mans dream to be surrounded by beautiful females? :derpytongue2:

8035963 I dream of just one female who can love me for who I am. Someone I can prove my loyalty and devotion towards. Someone I can grow old together with. To share laughter and pain with. To hold when she's upset, and hug when she's happy.

You can go ahead and dream of having a hundred females doting on you if you want. I'll sit here and fantasize about that one in a billion girl I can love. Whoever, and wherever she is.

If she even exists. Reality is vastly different to a story after all, kid.

Also, just noticed you're the person who wrote this story and the previous one. That's nice.

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