• Member Since 6th Jul, 2022
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


King of barely written g̶o̶o̶d̶ stories

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  • 25 weeks
    I'm back

    It's been a while. October was the last time I posted something, and July was the last time I updated a story.

    Lost crusaders hasn't been continued in almost a year. Jump to Equestria hasn't been updated for a entire year. My other stories still remain unfinished.

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    1 comments · 110 views
  • 42 weeks
    I'm tired boss.

    It's been almost 2 months of being in school, I can say with 100% certainty that I am completely burnt out from it. It turns out sitting in various chairs for 8 hours a day learning about quadratic equations and other random stuff does not inspire good mental health.

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    3 comments · 124 views
  • 49 weeks
    School is back.

    And I'm feeling the wear from it. I'm tired already, which is absolutely wild cause I haven't done anything. Waking up at 6:20 just isn't fun.

    I'm going to try and write some more stuff, but currently I'm struggling to find the time. Maybe if I owned a laptop, I could do some writing during my breaks, but right now, all I got is a phone.

    Expect at least 1 new chapter to Flutterclaw or Late Shift at Ted's this month or the next.

    0 comments · 89 views
  • 55 weeks
    I know what I said

    But currently I’m in a different state without a Pc to do writing on. If you’ve ever written something longer than a paragraph or two on a phone, you’ll know how tedious it is. I might get the chance to update some of my stories, but don’t keep your fingers crossed.

    1 comments · 108 views
  • 56 weeks
    I'm not dead yet

    I'm not dead yet. I've had a busy past few weeks, and have had a terrible case of writers block, and just keep making up excuses. Hopefully I can figure everything out and get to writing again on a chapter every couple days basis.

    1 comments · 139 views



Comments ( 8 )
  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8

Heavy weapons guy 🤨

Howdy howdy, and thank you for adding Wanted to your bookshelves!

Uh, gottcha, mind link them for me, please sir or madame

I actually used an Ai art website then cleaned it up in Krita

  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8
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