• Member Since 20th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday



Names for Ships · 2:04am Dec 18th, 2013

Hey guys! I'm trying to come up with a name for every ship, an idea inspired by this, but I need some help. If you have a good name for a ship then just head over to the google doc, here, and put it in. Please keep to the pattern I have set. I'm not looking for generic names like Appledash where you simply combine the names of two

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Report ElementalTem · 374 views ·
Comments ( 41 )
  • Viewing 37 - 41 of 41

Hey Jerry, you got a discord account so I can send you one of those friend request thingies?

I accidentally took that one pill that makes you fall asleep until December 2022

Well hello. Where'd you crawl out from? Been a long tme.

Thank you for reading and being so invested! It really means a lot to me to hear that people were really affected by it.

I hope that, well, I can pull it off again!

-GM, master of jacks.

  • Viewing 37 - 41 of 41
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