• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen June 21st

Lord Sergal

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...Never Mind · 1:49am Nov 1st, 2014

:fluttershysad: :fluttercry: My computer restarted itself and deleted all my progress. :raritycry:

I'll rewrite the chapter when I get the chance, even though it won't be a holiday update at that point. See you then.

Report Lord Sergal · 504 views · Story: Flip Switch ·
Comments ( 36 )
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Hai! Thanks for the fav on A Talk about Food. Glad you liked it! If you haven’t already, please do leave a like, it’d be very much appreciated. :twilightsmile:

Thanks again. Cheers!

thanks for the favorite! :pinkiehappy: More will be coming soon!

Thank you for the fave! I appreciate you wholeheartedly and have only my sincerest thanks to give for liking my fiction. Thanks eternally! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the favorite on winter blade! I appreciate it a lot!

Thank you for adding my story, Burning's Ass for Money to your Favourites. :twilightsmile:

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