• Member Since 25th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


"Ladies and Gentlemen, take my advice. Pull down your pants and slide on the ice." ~ Dr. Sidney Freedman, M*A*S*H S3 Ep5


Another year, another Hearths Warming. For Luna and Chrysalis, it is their turn to host the traditional dinner. While some ponies may feel out of place, a revelation will leave everypony feeling giddy this holiday season.


This story was written for Serina for Jinglemas 2023. They requested a Luna and Chrysalis story. I felt like instead of the usual "How they met" or "how they fell in love" I'd go with something set later, and a little fun.

Serina, I hope you enjoy this!


Sadly no cover art. Couldn’t find something worthy.

Chapters (1)

Thunderlane has been living with his marefriend Rainbow Dash for several months now, after a break up with the Chaser sisters. All's been well between the two, but suddenly Thunderlane's mother sends Rumble back from Las Pegasus the day before Hearthswarming to live with him, putting him in a situation where he had to ask Rainbow what he thought would be a difficult question.

And in Rainbow Dash fashion, she didn't even question anything, and they cleaned up the spare room for the little colt.

Now, the morning of Hearthswarming, Rainbow is set on making it the best Hearthswarming yet, even if not all involved are immediately the most joyful.


This story was written for Jinglemas 2022! And a gift for No Raisin with the characters Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane. Hope you don't mind I also added Rumble. I hope you enjoy it, and I'm sorry it's a day late.

I also haven't been able to find a decent cover art for this fic, so I may get one commissioned at a later date.

Chapters (1)

Applejack wakes up in the forest, finds another creature called a human, and learns that the only way to escape this prison is to collect lumber.

Sounds easy, right?

Oh, how wrong they are. For out here, nothing is easy, everything takes longer than it should, most of the wildlife wants to kill and/or eat you, and there's no such thing as clean.

Mud, Misery, and Mayhem are the names of the game. Now, will they choose to play, or give up?



So, if you're unaware, this is a spinnoff/crossover of a older game called Spintires, which some years ago got a remake called Mud Runner, which then got a sequel called Snow Runner. I've played and beat the first two, and I'm currently about 40 hours into the third. While this story is heavily focused on the dynamics of the first two games, I will also be borrowing some elements of the third (for our characters sake) and be implementing a few other things not in these games, such as more survival tactics of being in the woods.

Also, currently no pre-readers or editors, and while this story isn't meant to be something perfect, if this genera, story, or even the game are your thing and you'd like to help out, feel free to message me and you can be part of this!

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to The Bionicle Mare

Well, for better or for worse, Spitfire and Jacob are getting married! Three months after Twilight told all her friends the news, which spread around Ponyville like wildfire, the date has been set and the arrangements are made. Still, doubt lingers in the minds of those involved. Is this what they really want? Or is there something else?


This story was a commission by Doomgooey, and now the third story in line of this series.

Cover art is from The Embsay & Bolton Abbey Steam Railway of North Yorkshire, England.

This commission helped pay for the R/H wheel hub assembly for my truck, so thanks again!

Chapters (1)

Living in Ponyville for some time, you've gotten used to most ponies and how they are. You have several great friends, and one in particular has been rather brash with her showing off whenever you're about town.

You're pretty sure you know what's up, so does most everypony else, but you decide to make sure.

Snuggling ensues, and neither of you seem too upset over that fact.


Cover art by the amazing redruin.

Pre-read and edited by Fregz and Aurora Dawn. Thanks, you two!

Top.of the Box of Shame, 3/18/2022. Hella.

Chapters (1)

After 989 years on the moon, Nightmare Moon is eagerly awaiting her return to Equestria, take down her sister, and claim what should rightfully be hers.

However, one can only brood and plan for so long before things grow... stagnant.

And then, something catches her eye, coming towards her moon's surface at an alarming speed. Maybe this, whatever it is, will prove to aid her in her plans.

[Sex] tag for implications, nothing explicit (obviously it's rated T guys yeesh).


Story was written for Jinglemas 2021 as a gift for PeerImagination. They wanted a Nightmare Moon and Human romance, and I hope I did good by ya! Apologies for the story length, but it got waaaay out of hand on me and I have a disease where if I'm writing something I'm liking then I tend to do more than I should.


Cover art by Aquaticvibes, used without permission so if there are any issues feel free to yell at me.

Pre-read and edited by the wonderful Pascoite who helped a ton with the olden speech, and Fregz for putting up with the initial storyboarding that went out of control.

Top of the Box of Shame (M on) 12/26/2021, 12/27/2021 (Oh no not this shit again), 12/28/2021 (The third day), 12/29/2021 (YOU'RE KILLING ME, SMALLS!)

Chapters (1)

Retirement had begun to grow boring for former princesses Celestia and Luna, until one evening Luna noticed a star was moving, and it was heading for their planet! With the aid of her sister, Princess Cadence, and even Twilight Sparkle, the four will embark on a small adventure of a lost race which sought to give the rest of the universe eveything they could for a brighter future.


Edited by Hammerhead, thanks for taking the time!

Cover art is a modified variation of a piece done by Johan Swanepoel and used from a MIT website. Thanks to Cedric Bale and HalflingPony for confirming and taking the time to research for me.

Top of the Box of Shame, 5/1/2021.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Autumn "Blaze It"

After having visited a Equestrian small town for the first time, Autumn decides it's about time to visit a city, taking along Fern Flare.

It ends with half a block of Manehattan on fire.

Teen/Sex rating is simply for mentions of sex, nothing explicit happens... promise.


Originally written for the Quills and Sofa's channel, PANIC! Number 74. Prompt was Failed Heist, with 35 minutes to write, 10 minutes to edit/cry, and 110 minimum word count on 2/10/2021. I don't remember if it placed or not, but I'll update this if it did. It probably didn't though.

Thanks to (probably) Decaf, Aurora Dawn, and Scoping Landscape for reading/editing/whatever they did I don't honestly remember anymore.

Cover art is a show edit by ah96. Just... pretend Fern and Autumn's expressions are reversed, and it makes more sense.

Chapters (1)

A simple glimpse into Big Macintosh growing up, growing old, and moving forward.


This story was written for a contest in the Quills and Sofa's Speed Writing group. Stop in some time and check us out! (unless the blinds are pulled then you need the secret phrase to get a peek)
Contest #74: Dictionary of Thoughts #1 - 9/15/20
Prompt: Pleasure
Quote: "The seeds of repentance are sown in youth by pleasure, but the harvest is reaped in age by suffering."
It got 1st place, so woo!

Special thanks to Holt and Wish for pre-reading and editing, as well as the others in the contest for the kind words.
Art is by sb. Watch your filters, content warning on a lot of their newer art. Used without permission so any issues yell at me.

CONTENT WARNING! Involves season 9, for you people who can't handle the truth.

Chapters (1)

Hearthswarming, the time of year when ponies all about Equestria come together, both family and friends, to kindle the love in their hearts and share gifts that speak more volume than words. By now, most were in their homes, or in the guest rooms of far away relatives, staying comfy and warm while the outside billowed and snowed, blanketing the landscape with a layer of white which twinkled under Luna’s bright moon.

However, not all ponies knew better, and for three close friends and lovers, this Hearthswarming Eve would prove to be a challenging night.


This was written for AndwhatIseeisme, for JingleMas 2020! They requested Starlight and Trixie shipping, and naturally I had to stalk them to see what they read and wrote. Once I caught my breath and put my pants back on, I noticed their love for a three way shipping of StarTrixBurst, so I rolled the dice and took the gamble and included him too. I hope you enjoy it!

Cover art is by soft-arthropod, who is sadly not active anymore (or at least on Derpi), used without permission so if there are any issues feel free to yell at me.

Edited by the ever wonderful Aurora Dawn, thanks man I owe ya a bunch.

Chapters (1)