• Member Since 9th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Monday


Me. Take it or leave it.


Just some thoughts · 2:12am Sep 11th, 2023

Yeah. Been awhile, I know.

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Why I Don't Write Here Anymore · 7:19pm Sep 10th, 2020

I suppose it's been on my mind for a long time, but it never really occurred to me until recently. And because a few of you have been waiting for some projects I promised I'd finished, you deserve to know, as well.

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This exists . . . · 8:07am Jan 19th, 2020

This is a thing that exists. This was made with effort, and money.

And Hasbro actually put their name on this.

. . .

. . .

. . .

I'm gonna step away from this one.

Report LightningSword · 803 views ·

My good friend needs some support · 7:32pm Dec 5th, 2019

You all probably know HudsonHawk, especially if you know me. Even though I've never met the man in person, he's my best friend on this site, on the internet, and probably ever.

His mother died yesterday. I won't go into much detail out of respect for him and his family, but he's in a bad way and I was hoping I could do something to remind him how loved he is and how much he means to us.

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Embarking on a new venture · 7:56pm Nov 7th, 2019

Recently I discovered a site for content creators called Daisie. It allows people to post their work and ask for collaborators, and it was created by actress Maisie Williams, whom many of you might know as Arya Stark from Game of Thrones.

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A Tale of Two Shows · 9:49pm Oct 13th, 2019

I'm aware that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has finally ended. And I am aware that the final three episodes, as I predicted, received a mixed reception. And like most of you, I'm pretty sad.

Not because it's over, but because it wasn't over sooner. Because what it ended up becoming was a dried-out husk of it's former glorious self.

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Emergency · 12:56am Sep 25th, 2019

I don't think I even know who this person is. But they need help. Please help. Even if it's only a comment, please. This person needs all the love they can get:


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(Sort of) New Story · 1:59pm Aug 31st, 2019

I dug this up from months ago when I was still letting the show disappoint me. I didn't dare post it then because I knew it would cause massive backlash.

Now, I really don't care. The show's ending soon, and for once, no one's scrutinizing every move I make so they can break down just how much of a naughty person I am on a public platform. And even if they were, I really wouldn't care either way. This story will probably trigger a lot of people, but that's their problem.

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We reached the increased goal! · 9:47pm Aug 27th, 2019

Hey, all. I just got a message saying that there was yet another very generous donation to the GoFundMe I set up for my friend. I had to raise the goal last time since we'd reached it so fast, but because of this new donation, we reached it again! :pinkiehappy:

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Report LightningSword · 216 views ·

Dialing it back · 7:16am Jun 6th, 2019

Sorry about the enlarged text from before.

But when you get as many "When's the next chapter?" messages as I have about E:CW, the next one has a better chance to be the last straw as the last. This was just such a case. I won't name names, but the offending message was the back-breaking straw for your old friend the camel who once was LightningSword. And still is, kinda.

What the fuck am I talking about? Oh, yeah . . .

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