• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2016
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

Queen Sanguine Dreams

Thank you for reading my stories! Discord: https://discord.gg/nDXd3AB


This story is a sequel to Necromancy For Foals

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash find themselves drawn by the call of the cutie map to a jungle in the middle of nowhere. Drawn further by the knowledge of an ancient temple, they are confronted with icy cold and a sense of dread.

A Necromancer was sealed away in this temple a thousand years ago.

Now, he is waking up...

((Sequel to Necromancy for Foals. Artwork by The-Minuscule-Task on Tumblr.))

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 1565 )

Let the masterpiece begin

Nice start, he's all grown up now! Given the title, I had expected he would still be a colt.

Featured in an hour or 2 tops

why does the chapter say the first chapter was published 8th Nov 2017?

the wait for chapter 2 begins

Already featured after 5minutes :trollestia:


Cause I reserved the story since then :3

Ooh, he's older now? Neat! This is looking to be fun!

Aaaaaw, yeah! This is the good stuff! Keep them coming, I love this series.

Ah so its automatic, I thought that the date would change if you modified it enough, is there no option for that?

Good start so far. Will be waiting for more.

N4F2! YES! Sanny, you utter legend, you have made my day.



Well, as soon as he gets himself killed again, he'll go right back to being a colt; and Bone Marrow does have a bit of a talent for getting himself stabbed. but for now, he gets a taste of being older.

I'd make a joke about how this series feels like it just came back from the dead, but that's not very original, is it? But still.


AND YOU KEPT THE STORY FROM US.... :pinkiegasp: :raritycry:

Makes sense. Still I suppose as colt he would catch the interest of the CMC

huh...looks like Bone grew up...Wonder if that happen due to some side effect of being blasted by harmony?

Nah, the date listed on the chapter is for when Sanny originally reserved the spot; the actual writing didn't happen until just now.

Allrighty. Let's see how things will go... And how Luna and Cady might react to Bones opinion on Sunbutt. And hopefully see Scenic return...

*Gasp* I was waiting for this day! :D

:yay: YAY! I've been waiting for the sequel!

Hmmmm.. I wonder how much trouble Bone is going to have reviving his friend...

And how Twilight is going to react to someone who has a grudge against Celestia... and damned good reason for it? :twilightoops:

And another story waiting for the next chapter.


What's the update schedule going to be like?

Let me do it too:




Woo! Looking forward to this read.

One minor quibble. If I recall correctly, Bone was still searching for the locket at the time he tasted the rainbow. I need to re-read the last chapter of the previous story to be sure, though.

If that's the case, I'd have him breaking out knowing time has passed but not how much (an hour? A day?) immediately followed by "The locket! Where's the locket?!" "You mean the one around your neck?"

Edit: I was wrong. He knew Celestia had it when she blasted him.

YEEEEEESSSSS!!!! i have been waiting for this for so long!

i can't wait to see what happens!

She'll likely judge him for being a necromancer, ignorant of his suffering, inner conflict, and his several acts of good and self sacrifice (had his eyes gouged out for God's sake)

9th November? wut

Holy shit, I’ve been on this hype train for almost TWO YEARS! WOOOOOOOOOO! Hit me baby, I’m fuckin’ READY!

This is gonna be good


Though on a different note...

All of it was styled after Daring Doo, of course,


It alive! It alive! That god bless you my son

"Wait, there was only twelve steps?" Twilight looked behind her at the small staircase feeling cheated. "Who builds a temple with only twelve steps!"

is that a reference to something?
Why make him full grown, I liked necromancy for FOALS, but now he's a stallion not even just a bit older teenager an actual stallion, it doesn't make sense that he grew while in stone, it doesn't make sense thematically, and even if it does get explained I doubt that it will be nearly as good as if he was a foal and could just shift his body into an adult form using necromancy, plus I liked the smart kid idea, now he is an adult with a bland personality. As a kid, it made sense he was still developing his personality, but now that he grew physically he will seem dull, compared to his kid self, where we can overlook how he just reacts to things because that's pretty realistic for a kid. I doubt this is a good first step and I hope you can either change this or at least take it somewhere that makes up for the underwhelming implications.



Give the story a minute to breathe before you bury it in shite, please.

i'm so happy~ oh so happy~ :pinkiehappy:

Bloody hell I have awaited this one.

In so happy. I'm honestly kinda surprised he didn't outright attack rainbow and twilight but I can understand with how many things were happening for him at that moment I understand. Also...
I NEED MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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