• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2016
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Queen Sanguine Dreams

Thank you for reading my stories! Discord: https://discord.gg/nDXd3AB


An idea for a story that has been stuck in my head · 7:06pm May 4th, 2020

For me it's basically literary junkfood, but what would you all say to the idea of a story about an Evil God being reborn in Equestria?

The premise would be along the lines of 'What is Evil, really?', Who decides what is right and wrong, and how does the kind of thing we humans deal with on a regular basis compare to the paradise of Equestria? What we consider normal, a pony might consider the worst of evils.

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I've lost access to my Paypal and Patreon accounts. · 11:07am Mar 13th, 2020

Until I can get this sorted, I advise that any subscribers cancel recurring subscriptions until I can get this sorted.

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A new chapter! · 7:55pm Jan 8th, 2020

A new chapter has been posted for Necromancy for Foals 2!


More to be found in the Author's Notes at the bottom.


What about this for a story? · 8:08pm Jun 9th, 2019

Another 'Changeling on Earth' story, but it's more directed and less all-over-the-place like Pet Changeling? I really had no idea what I was doing with that one, but I think I could try doing it again with better results.

Also to clarify, it would be about Queen Sanguine rather than a different queen like Blue. Dunno if that would make it more or less appealing.

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I want to write, but I'm out of ideas. · 8:04am Jun 9th, 2019

Anyone have any ideas?

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I am unable to access my Patreon · 3:50am Jun 6th, 2019

If you are a patreon supporter, please cancel your support or subscription from Patreon. I'm unable to recover a password of mine due to various difficulties, so the money would be wasted.

If you still want to support me, please send money via Paypal instead, as I still have access to that account.

I'm uncertain if I should open up a secondary Patreon, considering my lack of output regarding stories.

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Want to meet me in person? / Necromancy for Foals 2 Update · 4:57pm Apr 17th, 2019

I'm going to Everfree Northwest and Bronycon this year!

I think my nametag will say 'Sanny' on it, so be on the lookout if ya wanna say hello.

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Necromany for Foals 2 was a mistake · 6:13pm Apr 13th, 2019

I don't have any passion for the novel whatsoever and I began writing it more from public demand than anything else.

I know that people like it, but I'm also left wondering if starting it was a good idea to begin with. There are a lot of valid criticisms about me rushing the story ahead, about things being too violent or brutal or sudden, about me making the characters unlikable.

What should I do? Keep trudging on to deliver a novel that I don't have much attachment to?

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New Chapter! · 11:58pm Apr 5th, 2019

Also, my recovery is going well after surgery. No real complications, no bleeding, and I'm able to walk around and go outside again.

The mood struck me, and I sat down to write out my thoughts about horse words into something coherent as well :D


Have fun!


I Survived! · 9:41am Mar 28th, 2019

Things went pretty well after I was knocked out via anesthesia. Now I just have to lounge around for like two weeks while my body heals and continues to hurt.

Anyway, mission success! The word-beast continues to live, and the stories have survived along with me. Thank you to everyone for the words of encouragement and wishes of good health <3
