
Viewing 1 - 20 of 51 results

Surgery Day! · 1:08pm Mar 27th, 2019

It's the 27th of March, and that means that today is the day for my surgery!

It shouldn't take more than an hour, but I'll be knocked out with general anesthesia for it. Should be kinda fun, I guess? It's the first surgery I've ever been in and the preparation for it was different than what I'm used to. Also, Hibiclens is strange and resets my nose so I can smell everything in the house.

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Surgery Update · 3:59pm Sep 13th, 2017

Good Morning Everyone,

Thanks for all the encouragement regarding my surgery. I appreciate all the well-wishes and prayers on my behalf.

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Report Dreadnought · 584 views · #surgery

Going to surgery today, I'll need a week of recovery. (Updated) · 12:46pm Feb 19th, 2019

Hello, everybody!

Just a quick notice that I'll have to spend this week on a bed because of surgery so everything will be on hold for a while.

I'll see you all if when I wake up!


Hey, everybody.

I'm back home with some new tattoos :rainbowlaugh: The doctor gave me a 15 day recovery leave and since I can't stay in a sitting position for too long without feeling pain, I'll be late for those stories updates :applejackunsure:

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Report AniMun · 305 views · #Surgery

Surgery done · 9:44pm Sep 8th, 2021

And they let me have my phone back, so I can at least let everybody know. I’m in considerable pain—this was worse than the jaw surgery on that score—and now I’m waiting for my next round of painkillers to kick in to eat a little.

If all goes well, I’m be home by noon tomorrow. Until then, nothing to do but lay here and watch cooking competitions on Food Network. Thanks for the well-wishes, everybody who commented on my prior blog. It was very much appreciated.

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Report Firesight · 187 views · #Surgery

I Survived! · 9:41am Mar 28th, 2019

Things went pretty well after I was knocked out via anesthesia. Now I just have to lounge around for like two weeks while my body heals and continues to hurt.

Anyway, mission success! The word-beast continues to live, and the stories have survived along with me. Thank you to everyone for the words of encouragement and wishes of good health <3



What is Bunion? How to Get Rid of Bunion · 5:46pm Apr 12th, 2023

The majority of people suffering from bunions experience relief from pain using simple remedies to ease tension on the toe's big. This includes wearing larger shoes or using pads inside their shoes. If these options aren't enough to alleviate the symptoms, your physician might recommend surgery for bunion.

There are various types of surgeries that can correct the bunion. Restoring the big toe into its normal position could involve realigning bones, ligaments as well as tendons and nerves.

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New Chapter! · 11:58pm Apr 5th, 2019

Also, my recovery is going well after surgery. No real complications, no bleeding, and I'm able to walk around and go outside again.

The mood struck me, and I sat down to write out my thoughts about horse words into something coherent as well :D

Have fun!


Long Absence + Surgery · 1:46am Apr 8th, 2017

Hello Everyone,

I know I haven't updated my profile page in a long time because of many thing one thing mainly being college. I plan to get my bachelor's in Digital Cinema and become a movie/TV director & actor. Another main reason is because of something that happened to me just this week.

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In need of assistance for a major surgery! · 5:01am May 6th, 2017

I need a life-changing surgery in order to regain control of both my mind and sanity. The expenses for this surgery average out at about 20,000 USD, and it impacts every aspect of my life.

If I was able to raise the money for this surgery, not only would I be eternally happier, but I would be able to write with far greater frequency for the stories that I've written and am currently writing.

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Wisdom Teeth Removal · 1:43pm Nov 11th, 2021

Hey guys.

I know I’m late on a lot of my stories, but tomorrow I’ve gotta have my wisdom teeth removed, so I’ll be down and out for a while until the pain subsides. I’m really sorry, but these things have GOT to come out; they’re hindering my ability to eat, hell, one of them is even crumbling! I’ll try and get the next chapter of The Missing Barian Numbers out before then, but I can’t promise anything right now.

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Husband is heading into surgery · 4:56pm Sep 19th, 2016

He's snoozing next to me all prepped and ready to go. No more chance of him bleeding to death after this!


Redefining Beauty: Cosmetic Surgery in Islamabad · 7:29pm March 19th

In the vibrant city of Islamabad, Pakistan, a remarkable trend is emerging – the rise of cosmetic surgery. With a blend of traditional beauty ideals and modern medical advancements, Islamabad has become a destination for individuals seeking to enhance their appearance and boost their confidence through cosmetic procedures. From facelifts to breast augmentation, the field of Cosmetic surgery in Islamabad offers a diverse range of options

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Medical- Please Read · 12:07am Oct 13th, 2016

So, i've been keeping a bit of a secret kind of. I've been on a leave of absence from work since September 11th due to constant double vision. Makes everything including writing difficult. So I finally was seen by an optomologist today and he says I need surgery done on my eye muscles. So thats that.

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Report Foals Errand · 419 views · #medical #eyes #surgery

Out of Surgery · 7:17pm Sep 19th, 2016

The surgeon says husband is doing great! No more chance of his bleeding to death! Huzzahs all around! Thank for your thoughts and prayers! Love you all!:heart:


About my life so far... · 5:52am Jan 2nd, 2020

Hello everyone, Happy New Year!

I guess it's only fair what's been going on with my life outside. If anyone remembered my previous journal entry, I mentioned that I have donated a portion of my liver to my father. Check here for more info. Me and my father are doing fine since the surgery although my dad still needs to go through check ups just in case.

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Surgermageee · 11:43pm Oct 1st, 2019

It is done,and I now have 4 less wisdom teeth! That being said, I am on the best pain meds right now and look stoned as all can be. Probably am and just haven't realized it yet. So my thoughts said, "hey, Grag, you should do a face reveal," ans I'm like, but dude we dont even have that many followers yet," so he was like, "you right but do it anyways."

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Ilya Leonov needs help · 4:48am Mar 28th, 2019

And it is urgent. Ilya, who has brilliantly performed a great many of the fandom's stories, is in need of immediate surgery. Unfortunately it is quite expensive, and he has not yet paid off his previous removal of cancerous tissue. As he explains:

I have been struggling to pay small amounts of the thousands of dollars I owe.

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Knee surgery tomorrow... · 2:13am Sep 20th, 2017

So a couple months ago, my gym partner convinced me to start training to run a half-marathon with him. Feeling game, I began to, but pushed too hard too fast and didn’t upgrade my shoes or socks to something more suitable for running. I made it up to five miles, but the result was severe foot blisters... and a cartilage tear in my right knee that caused severe swelling and pain.

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Big News · 3:50am Sep 7th, 2017

Good Evening,

I have big news. First off, let me point out we are now ONE MONTH away from MY LITTLE PONY: THE MOVIE!!! Can you believe that this time next month we can all go see the movie! I don't know about you, but I'm really excited. CAN'T WAIT!!!

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October Update · 2:15am Oct 4th, 2017

Good Evening,

Wanted to give you an update on my status. It's going on four weeks since my PRK surgery. I'm recovering well, reducing the flourometholone (steroid) drops per the opthamologist's instructions. I have another follow-up appointment in two weeks, which will give me a better idea of my recovery.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 51 results