• Member Since 17th Apr, 2019
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  • 3 weeks
    Chapter Ten published!!!

    Hi every-pony! At long lastI, I am pleased to announce that Chapter Ten of "The Sixth Alicorn" has at last been posted! It's significantly shorter than my usual chapters, clocking in at 5054 words. Long enough for most fics, but rather terse for me. I do hope you enjoy reading it! As for the next Chapter, I have done some work on it already, and have written about 10 pages longhand. I can tell you already that it will be significantly longer than this one. Out of curiosity, do you prefer

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  • 13 weeks
    Chapter 10 Update

    Happy Spring, every-pony! Well, the eclipse happened over where I live, and I got to witness it! I must say, the corona of an eclipse is much brighter than pictures can convey. The darkness itself was fascinating, like evening coming early, and we heard crickets start their chorus. We can only speculate what their reaction to daylight five minutes later was. And Venus was clearly visible with the sun obscured by the moon.

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  • 21 weeks
    Chapter 10 Update

    March Madness is here, every-pony! And with it comes an update to my progress with "The Sixth Alicorn." I have finished writing Chapter 10 long hand, and it stretches out to 5744 words over 21 and a half pages. It's certainly much shorter than my previous chapters, but don't worry; chapter 11 looks like it will be much more substantial, from what I have planned. I'm in the process of typing up Chapter 10; I have a little over 2000 words typed up. I hope I might have it ready soon.

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  • 25 weeks
    Not dead! Chapter 10 update

    Hi every-pony, I thought I should check in with all of you, since it's been a while since I provided any updates. As some of you may know, I lost my job in October of last year, and have been job hunting ever since. No luck yet, but it's not for lack of trying! I've been focused mostly on resolving that hiccough in my life, so you may well understand why I haven't been able to update. I've also been dealing with some writer's block, which I am only now getting over.

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  • 38 weeks
    Chapter Nine Uploaded!!!

    Happy Nightmare Night, every-pony! Good news, I have finally posted chapter nine of The Sixth Alicorn! Final word count comes to 12,287, clipped from the initial 13,809. It took a long while to get this chapter written. Not only was this due to the usual travails of writing, but I had a number of personal setbacks to go through (such as getting terminated from my job!), as well as experiencing a bout of extreme stress that kept me down. On a more optimistic note, I was also in a Neil Simon

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Chapter Ten published!!! · 10:48pm June 30th

Hi every-pony! At long lastI, I am pleased to announce that Chapter Ten of "The Sixth Alicorn" has at last been posted! It's significantly shorter than my usual chapters, clocking in at 5054 words. Long enough for most fics, but rather terse for me. I do hope you enjoy reading it! As for the next Chapter, I have done some work on it already, and have written about 10 pages longhand. I can tell you already that it will be significantly longer than this one. Out of curiosity, do you prefer

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Report ShadeNightingale · 51 views · Story: The Sixth Alicorn ·
Comments ( 17 )
  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17

good afternoon how are you and how is the realization of the new chapters going? We haven't heard from you for a long time ??????

Thanks so much!:twilightsmile: Merry Christmas to you too!

Merry chrismas 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄

Good morning I hope not to disturb you I just wanted to tell you that I look forward to the next chapter of the six alicorns and I just have a small question to ask a curiosity that came to my mind. what happened in the period in which nyx was in the 'hive to make pharax change his mind about him as a princess and as a future knight who guitato avrebbbe the 'army of shapeshifters then conquest of Equestria ????
Why not simply tolerate her because queen chrysalis the costrotto I meanmdi must have been a moment perhaps in his training with weapons, with magic or hunting that made pharax change his mind to bring him respect or a kind of friendship camaratesca because celestia avevamdetto in history that the shifters were u a society strongly militarista
But the thing that raised this question for me were the last sentences pharax said about nyx before drinking the blood chalice that is "she's real royalty, sure enough: I've seen what she can do! Those ponies don't know what they've got! Heh heh heh!" ?????

  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17
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