• Member Since 9th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Brony. Gay Brony. Gay Brony sailing the Gallbar ship (and others) until death do us part. Come follow my random gay self on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ParkerPenpony


New Story? NEW STORY! · 2:54am Jun 29th, 2022

Hi all, sorry I've been so quiet for so long. It's been a weird and difficult 2+ years, even setting aside all the pandemic troubles.

But guess what? Your patience is finally going to pay off because I have a NEW STORY coming soon, with the first chapters publishing this week just barely during Pride month.

Romance? Gay stuff? Stallions? Yeah, it's got that.

Here's your hint for what it's about:

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Thawing the Freeze · 7:00am Jun 20th, 2021

I am in remission and have 'beaten' colon cancer. It was a miserable, terrible struggle, but I am endlessly thankful to my family, dear close friends, and all you here and elsewhere on the internet who have wished me well. Your support meant more than I can ever explain. I'm trying oh so hard to get my brain back in gear to start producing fiction again. It's been a struggle, but I'm hopeful I'll be making meaningful progress again soon on new works and maybe even continuations of older fic.

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The Big Freeze · 4:05am Sep 3rd, 2020

I was just diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer. I'm going to be less active in fandom in the coming days as I fight that fight. I promise I'm not gone completely or abandoning ship, but I've got other priorities at the moment. All of my Pony writing projects and sequels are officially on Hold, with my most heartfelt wish that I'll pick them back up once I've whooped cancer's ass.
Hope to be back here soon.
Much love.

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1k Bookshelves - Ask Me Anything · 1:26am Oct 7th, 2019

You absolute beauties. You mad lads. 1,000 bookshelves???!

I just...

Wow. I am so thankful, humbled, and honestly blown away by how much Involuntary Voyeur means to so many. Thank you for being part of this journey.

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ooooops have some extra Gallbar naughtiness · 8:29pm Jul 26th, 2019

My hoof slipped, and I wrote a short scene based on the fantastic Jcosneverexisted pics about the pre- Amity Ball festivities. (Derpi #2087561.) It's had me..... "distracted" for a while, and I had to get it out of my system by writing about it. The scene isn't canon for the rest of my Parkerverse. But it's a good, fun romp that you'll enjoy, hopefully.
She's All Yak, But He's Got That Sack

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No Chapter This Week · 1:03am Jun 16th, 2019

Hi all,
No chapter to be published this week--too many personal obligations (many unforeseen) to finish writing and editing anything, and I want to make sure everything is top quality, so I don't want to rush. See you next week with a fresh chapter!

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Stay Tuned, Gallbar Fans · 11:31pm Jun 8th, 2019

I have Chapter 10 ninety percent done, and I expect I'll publish it this weekend (though maybe not today). It ties closely with today's Chapter 9, and I wanted to publish them simultaneously, but I also didn't want to go without my Saturday update this week. Hope you enjoy!

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*Sighs at canon* · 7:41pm May 11th, 2019

I haven't even seen today's episode, so I don't know if it's as ship-wrecking as I think it may be from the summary.

I'm way too old to be surprised or dismayed when a show wrecks the best m/m ship seemingly at random, but DANG. I mean, come on, they've avoided doing any sort of serious pairing of the Main 6 for the entirety of the show. They couldn't do the same with the Young 6, and let us make up our own scenarios that still fell within canon? UGH.

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Chapter delayed · 4:37am May 5th, 2019

Hi loyal readers,
I'm afraid that a number of factors have kept me way, way behind on writing the last two weeks. No new chapter today, I'm afraid. I'll try my best to get caught up so you get more story next week.

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Dear Hasbro... · 4:28am Apr 14th, 2019

Thank you. I'm keeping this forever.

Also! (Season 9, Episode 3 spoilers ahead)
The Young 6 got a beautiful song, and they all got to be cute together while healing the Tree of Harmony with their friendship?? 😭😍😍
Sign me the heck up for more episodes like this!!

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