"Welcome to New Whinnipeg, home of the 'neo-classical' music group VOLT. We pride ourselves in producing the finest quality tobacco products, and providing the widest range of self defense armaments available on ANY Confederate station! We hope you enjoy your stay!"
That was one of the first things I heard upon entering Station 13. Funny how they'd boast my own band . . . Not that they really cared, hay, I couldn't possibly care. Everything went to hell just a week later, so I guess it doesn't really matter.
My name is Vinyl Scratch, and I bucked up. Big time.
Rated Teen for narcotics use, violence, able-ism, and generally being something you wouldn't want to show a child.
Stories like this, starting with the reader in the dark on what happened, always frustrate me because of well, that's the hook, not knowing what the hell is going on.
This is damn good and you better keep it comin
Damn fine story. Make more
Whinnipeg? Winnipeg? Story set in the location I currently call home?
*Immediately has high expectations *
31264 Expectations: Met
I replaced a word in the first chapter.
Because it defined something . . .
That I'd rather not define at this point. :whyistherenoliarjackemote?thiswillhavetosuffice:
I'm probably not following this because I dont know the source material for the crossover
This is certainly an interesting beginning. I figure some people would complain about the form of the story, given that it is written either in dialogue or a casual re-telling, but I don't see anything inherently wrong with that. I would suggest, however, that you provide some more texture for the setting, in its more mundane aspects. Since this isn't an ordinary Ponyville setting, as the description and the bits about the shuttle in the first chapter suggest, the reader needs some color to imagine the world.
Still, this story has great potential, and I'm curious to see where it is going.
Sorry about that. I label all my stories crossover because they tend to be adaptations of other stories. So, in essence, they follow the same dynamic as a crossfic, but a "source" may not exist.
Hmm... Octavia and Vinyl coming together during a zombie acopalypse...
Reminds me a lot of this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKFz_3aN_zQ&feature=channel_video_title
Specifically the 39 second mark.
I swear I hadn't seen that until now.
I'm playing up the schizoid musician archetype with Vinyl, and the "musical vibes" are going to be more harmful than . . . You know what, next chapter's going to show off a ton of stuff that will either make or break the story (i.e. aforementioned narcotics use). Read on.
This is an extremely interesting story so far. Can't wait to see what happens as I am now hooked.