Constant Clock’s boss expects him to take care of a celebrity, Sapphire Shores. What does the famous Pony of Pop want from a lowly government employee? And who thought it would be a good idea to bring a human circus to Equestria?
Sapphire Shores is haunted by her mother's whispering voice. Her dreams are filled with letter after letter, all asking the same question. It isn't until the mail catches up to her tour that she learns why.
Tragedy strikes Sweet Apple Acres as two of Applejack's closest family members pass on. She receives some money in the mail and decides to visit Canterlot. Along the way encountering Fancy Pants, Sapphire Shores and other colorful characters.
Four years ago Vinyl and Octavia broke up. It was messy, painful and left scars on both. Four years on, Vinyl receives news that Octavia has been in an accident and is in a coma from which she may never wake. Can she succeed where medicine failed?
Sapphire Shores is haunted by her mother's whispering voice. Her dreams are filled with letter after letter, all asking the same question. It isn't until the mail catches up to her tour that she learns why.