• Member Since 28th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 16th, 2019

Fable Scroll


Submission to Equestria Daily · 8:55am May 26th, 2014

Let me begin by saying that I respect the work of the Equestria Daily Prereaders. Their decisions may sometimes seem arbitrary and their rules and expectations obscure and confusing, but that's inevitable with such a large number of prereaders having to wade through the doubtlessly huge number of submissions. Dealing with such a flood can not be easy.

That said, after I tried to submit The Sisters' Coronet to Equestria Daily, I received the rejection I had expected on for two reasons:

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Report Fable Scroll · 457 views · Story: The Sisters' Coronet ·

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Comments ( 4 )
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Hello again! Thanks for the Fave of Dear Idiot! I'm glad that you could enjoy it!:twilightsmile:

Thank you for the Fave of Certain Advantages! I'm glad that you could enjoy it... despite the bungholery.:trollestia:

Thanks for favoriting Easy As Pie! It's really rewarding when people let me know they are enjoying what I'm writing!

Thanks for the favourite! :twilightsmile:

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