Growing up can be hard. But when your two mothers are both elements of harmony and you have twin cousins to play with? It can be downright crazy. Rainbow Dash and Applejack will have to keep up with their growing daughter if they're going to keep her out of trouble. Difficult? Maybe. But that's life with Applejoy!
Author's note: It is absolutely imperative that you read the first section of this story (the "Confessions and Considerations" series, to understand any of this story.
well then, this story seems to have an interesting prospect, i shall add it to my list of stories to read!

on other thing: when making the cover art peice, instead of drawing the mane onto what looks like a photoshopped scootaloo, you could use the pony creator on deviantart. it has rainbow mane and tail in its inventory
46402 I used the pony creator. Gave her golden hair, and went into MS paint to add the streaks of Rainbow color. Her mane is neither solid gold nor full-on Rainbow, but gold with Rainbow streaks.
This tells me that you haven't read the first section of this fic, the one entitled "Confessions and Considerations", without reading that, there are aspects of this story (like Applejoy's physical appearance) that you would not be aware of.
no, i think i did read that story, forgive me, i've gone on a fanfic binge, and my head is full of f**k
ah, it would appear i have not read that story yet, so i get right to it. please forgive me, if i could remove my comments i would, but i can be a trixie sometimes
Nice Alegrezza reference.
And I love the story so far.
Screw reading other stories, how the fuck can they have a baby if they are both female?
46423You're going to have to read the other story or else you are doomed to continue to appear uninformed and stubborn.
I'm not a big fan of Appledash tbh so just
telll meeee
This story is amazing been following it on ED since it came out before Applejoy was born
They wanted a child. So, as a favor for helping save her from being Nightmare Moon, Princess Luna turned Rainbow Dash into a stallion for one night.
Precisely my reaction, Trill.
46486 You know, when the description says: "It is absolutely imperative that you read the first section of this story (the "Confessions and Considerations" series, to understand any of this story." I would think people would be smart enough to go and read that first story without instantly rating this one a 0.5 and leaving.
Love the story so far.
Keep up the good work.
46492 Are people really doing that? Ouch, here have a five star to balance it out, I know you deserve it.
Just caught this,
"Somebody has to do the roof..."
Should be somepony.
That was a damn good chapter. Really liking how the story is going, and really feeling how worried AJ is for the farm and her family. This really deserves a 5 star.
'Nuff said.
D'aaaawwww, I loved it keep going, I found only one problem!
“Applejack turned to look at her wife as she strode in, a smile breaking out on her face. “Scootaloo? Ah heard you three when you came in.”
At the beginning, there is an extra quotation mark, loved it though
I have never read any of your stories and thanks to this story i am not considering reading everyone of them XD
Well what a horrible thing to say.
This is a great ship, I love this. You come second in my shipping top 3 as no 2, no 1 being "two's company, three's a crowd", a vinyl X octavia ship, I'm sure you know it, it's the most known ship in
53037 woah woah i accedently added won't into it! i meant i will read all them i was using a school keyboard and those key boards suck!
That was a simply amazing chapter, and everything worked perfectly. The imagery was used great, I really felt like I could imagine the scene. As long as you keep writing this, I'll keep reading.
damn it this is to cute !
I loved this! I went through about a million different emotions upon reading this chapter, ranging from
. This was awesome! At first I was afraid it was just gonna be a boring "Wonderful Life" episode, but it was actually good. Five stars to you!
I love the title, puns are magic.
Other than that, this was simply amazing, Neumo. It doesn't matter how long it takes you to produce these chapters, for the length and quality it's well worth the wait.
This is really an incredible fic, you need to be proud of it. I usually really hate the slice of life stuff with debt and money problems, but I can't help but love this story. Keep on rockin', Brony!
I'll be damed, you did it aging, another heart wreching tear jerker with a super happy ending, this is my favorite series, right next to the Romance Reports. I think I can speak for every one when u say you deserve a better rating. 4.6 doesn't do do you justice. When ever I read, or watch something with a live story, an with watch, that's usually some Anime or another, i wish for what I call a perfect ending, where you see into the future or something like that, and see the happy family, you've done just that and then some. Clannad, is the best animated proof of that concept. If you can't cry to this series and that one, you have no heart. Happy new years to you all, very well done Brony, well done. And on a side note: MOAR!!!!!!
I'll be damed, you did it aging, another heart wreching tear jerker with a super happy ending, this is my favorite series, right next to the Romance Reports. I think I can speak for every one when I say you deserve a better rating. 4.6 doesn't do do you justice. When ever I read, or watch something with a love story, an with watch, that's usually some Anime or another, i wish for what I call a perfect ending, where you see into the future or something like that, and see the happy family, you've done just that and then some. Clannad, is the best animated proof of that concept. If you can't cry to this series and that one, you have no heart. Happy new years to you all, very well done Brony, well done. And on a side note: MOAR!!!!!!
102190 sent from my I-Phone
Brought a tear to my eye
. Though I hope she doesn't forget about Scoot
So is this the end? Or do you have more planned? Your fics were some of the first I read when I joined the fandom, and this was another amazing chapter. I couldn't wait to get home from work and finish reading it. There are few stories that keep me so hooked but yours can BronyNuemo. 5 stars, no doubt.
I really hope to see more stories set against Dash and AJ and Applejoy, or Big Mac and family. Hell I wouldn't mind seeing you expand upon the other ponies eventually having families. In short, keep writing, you do really great work, and I'll be sure to keep reading!
No, this isn't the end. I plan to milk this series until everyone is annoyed with me!
Another great....chapters... Thats new....
Either way, love this story. I cried much in the... 25 hours it took me to read this? (what with life and stuff)
Please give moar of this story to us, and a Happy New Year to you!
104594 lol sounds good to me.
Lol, sounds like what I'm doing with my fics these days. But I can;t wait for more!
could read a hundred chapters

but please for the love of my sanity
dont forget about scootaloo
am i the only one who keeps hearing macintosh with a scottish accent
I cried when
“H-hap-p-py H-hearth-th’s-s W-warm-ming M-mom and D-dad. I l-love you g-g-guys.”
I bawled, very, very much

So many manly tears shed in this story, what an amazing fic I must say my friend. Well Done
Manly tears...more like a manly river. So many heartwrenching moments in this story.
Curse these fanfics. They drive me to feel emotions.
Pressing their moths together. . . and butter wind. I like where this is going! Good idea for a fanfic.
(not to be mean of course, just saw that and thought it was funny)
I could complain about Rainbow Dash's characterization but I've done that so many times it's gotten boring. I'm OK with this lol.
Glad to see Scoot get some love, she was certainly missing it. Thank you for another excellent chapter!
(not feeling very inspired right now.... I didn't put into words how much it makes me happy you've written this fic, it's hard to do, but know that I really love your writing and this chapter was superb)
/fixed... my editor needs to be more careful. Those moths could get hurt, being squished together like that...
Not to mention, that wind sounds terrible for one's cholesterol...
I think RD's characterization makes sense if one thinks of it as a logical progression over this entire story-arc.
Many things:
So many fics that are making me cry lately :')
Yay, a fic that didnt kill off Scootaloo (please don't :P)
I was crying from around when Scootaloo said her first words of the chapter until...well...the end of the chapter.
122932 Yeah, like I said. I'm OK with it
Rainbow's characterization tends to be my pet-peeve on every story, that part of my comment was sort of just me joking about that. I'm trying to ignore mentioning Rainbow characterization unless it's really bad nowadays, because writers almost always have good reasons for the way she acts and I understand those reasons perfectly. Even if it's never what would happen in the show it makes sense, but I can never get this feeling out of my head that.... it's not Dash. (but then again, none of the characters would fall in love in the show, so we've entered the realm of fanon and people can do whatever the buck they want
No complaints here! Just me musing in general, I'm not directing any of this at you in particular.
God this story has been great, and I can't wait for more. Your definately one of my five favorite fic authors. And I admit, I have a gigantic soft spot for foals and fillies/colts who aren't as old as the cutie mark crusaders. Whether in print or pics, they are so damn adorable.
As for any comments on Dash's characterization, I think she's just fine. In life lots of people change as they get older, get married, have kids etc. So I think it's just logical progression for Dash. AJ on the other hand was always a responsible pony so she had to change a lot less.